Career Fair Job-Seeker Registration

To register as a job seeker or employment professional for the 2024 National Federation of the Blind Virtual Career Fair, please fill out the form below.

The National Federation of the Blind's next career fair will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m., Eastern via Zoom.

Jobseekers, please be careful and thorough while completing the registration form, as employers will use it to match you to available jobs. Please do not leave registration spaces blank: use “N/A” as needed. Take the same care with your resume and make sure you attach it to your registration. We will not be able to add it after you submit your registration.

Upon registration, you will also receive Zoom details to our Mastering the Virtual Career Fair Webinar taking place on October 8, 2024 from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., Eastern. 

Please direct all questions to jobseeker liaison Lia Stone at [email protected]. For more announcements regarding the career fair and upcoming employment opportunities, subscribe to the Job Listing Email List

Note: if you receive an error upon submission of this form but receive the email confirmation, your registration has been received. We are working through some technical difficulties on our webforms. Your patience and understanding are appreciated. 

Please note: If you are an international jobseeker, please email [email protected] for information on how to sign up.

Contact Information
- Optional
- Optional
Employment Information

If you are completing as an employment professional, please answer for your organization. Each of your clients should register separately.

Types of Positions Sought (Check all that apply.) - Optional
- Optional
Highest Level of Education
- Optional
- Optional
- Optional
- Optional
- Optional
- Optional
- Optional
- Optional
- Optional
- Optional
One file only.
1 GB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
If you experience any technical difficulties while attaching your resume, please upload your resume to our Virtual Career Fair Dropbox

Rename your file as, "First Name, Last Name Resume" prior to upload. Your information will be shared with employers ahead of the career fair.
Career Fair Connections
- Optional
- Optional
Job Seeker Survey (For Employment Committee Use Only)
ASL User (Check all that apply)
- Optional
If Spanish interpretation is needed, please check all that apply.
- Optional

If you need help finding or paying for interpreters, we ask that you check with your state VR agency first. For questions or requests regarding access needs, please email jobseeker liaison Lia Stone at [email protected]

- Optional
- Optional
- Optional