Braille Monitor                                                 July 2012

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Highlights of the 2012 Convention of the NFB of Louisiana

Our lead photograph this month is a collage from the most recent convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Louisiana.

Our lead photograph this month is a collage from the most recent convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Louisiana. Shown here are activities in the childcare suite; students receiving affiliate merit scholarships; a little girl examining a fish stretched across three chairs in the Sensory Safari exhibit; and, in the middle, a scene in a play written and produced by Jerry Whittle, a longtime Federationist and staff member of the Louisiana Center for the Blind. Louisiana is blessed to have a strong and vibrant affiliate, excellent leadership coordinated by Affiliate President Pam Allen, and a rank-and-file membership second to none in its enthusiasm to change what it means to be blind.

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