Braille Monitor                         December 2020

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NFB 2021 Scholarship Program

by Cayte Mendez

Cayte MendezFrom the Editor: Cayte Mendez is the very capable chairman of our Scholarship Committee. Here is a brief announcement alerting would-be applicants to the opening of the competition:

The National Federation of the Blind is pleased to announce our 2021 scholarship program. We offer thirty scholarships to blind students from across the United States and Puerto Rico who will be enrolled in full-time post-secondary degree programs during the 2021-2022 school year. These scholarships range in value from $3,000 to $12,000 and will be awarded at our 2021 National Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The application period began November 1, 2020, and closes at midnight EST on March 31, 2021. Go to To apply during the five-month open period: read the rules and the submission checklist, complete the official 2021 scholarship application form (online or in print), supply all required documents, and request and complete an interview by an NFB affiliate president. Remember, the only way to win is to apply!

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