
Future Reflections

The National Federation of the Blind Magazine for Parents and Teachers of Blind Children


 Vol. 23, No. 2� ����������������������� ����������������������� ����������� ������������������������Special Issue—The Early Years

Barbara Cheadle, Editor

Marc Maurer and Jennifer

�I believe with all my heart that we can give Jennifer, and thousands of blind children like her, a bright future full of hope and opportunity if we all work together with love and understanding.�
� Marc Maurer, President, National Federation of the Blind


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ISSN 0883-3419


Future Reflections

The National Federation of the Blind Magazine for Parents and Teachers of Blind Children

1800 Johnson Street   Baltimore, Maryland 21230
410-659-9314   www.nfb.org   [email protected]


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Vol. 23, No. 2������������������������������������������������������������ �����         � Special Issue�The Early Years


Chapter 1: Reach for the Stars

��� Possibilities
by Carol Castellano��������

��� Reaching for the Stars
by Julie Hunter

��� A Dad�s Expectations
by Mark McClain

Chapter 2: Learning Begins At Home

��� Helpful Hints for Parents of Blind Infants and Toddlers
by Christine Faltz

��� Let Your Child Play With the Pots and Pans
by Jacki Harth

��� Supermarketing
           by Carol J. Castellano

��� Active Learning and the Blind, Multiply Disabled Child
by Lilli Nielsen, Ph.D.

��� Chore Wars
by Liz Wolf���������

��� Is Your Child Age-Appropriate?
by Ruby Ryles, Ph.D.

��� Advice to Parents of Partially Sighted Children
by Barbara Cheadle

��� �Mom, What Does Blind Mean?�
by Pauletta Feldman

Chapter 3: Movement and Mobility

���� Parents: Blind Children�s First Mobility Teachers
by Joe Cutter

��� Everyone Has a Cane, Just Like Me!
by Nalida E. L. Besson

��� Independence and Mobility
by Doris M. Willoughby and Sharon L. Monthei

��� Sharing Creative Movement with your Child
by Edwina Peterson Cross

Chapter 4: Touch: Another Way of Seeing

��� Another Way of Seeing
by Deborah Kent Stein

��� Hand-Over-Hand Guidance: What Lesson Do We Teach?
by Andrea Story

��� Educated Fingers
by Barbara Pierce

Chapter 5: Literacy Is For Everyone

��� Pre-Reading Activities for Blind Preschoolers
by Ruby Ryles, Ph.D.

��� Your Child�s Right to Read
by Carol Castellano

��� Research Study: Early Braille Education Vital
by Ruby Ryles, Ph.D.

    The Bridge to Braille

��� Why Megan is Learning Braille
by Marla Palmer

Chapter 6: Formal Education

��� Expectations: The Critical Factor in the Education of Blind Children
by Fredric K. Schroeder, Ph.D.

��� The Blind Child in The Regular Preschool Program
by Ruby Ryles, Ph.D.

��� Kyra�s Kindergarten Year
by Barbara Mathews

Chapter 7: Parent Power

���� National Organization of Parents of Blind Children

Chapter 8: Future Reflections

��� Responsibilities of a Seven-Year-Old
by Hannah Weatherd

��� My Days Are Full
by Michael Taboada

��� What Freedom Means to Me
by Nicole White

��� When the Blizzard Blows
by Marc Maurer

          Complete Special Issue

          Complete Special Issue Zip (download only)

Copyright � 2004 National Federation of the Blind