Washington Seminar is just around the corner. Register now and receive important updates.
At Washington Seminar, our members convene to learn about and advocate for legislative initiatives that will improve the lives of blind Americans.
Approximately three legislative initiatives are chosen for priority attention each year. These initiatives, which form the Washington Seminar priorities, are based on the official positions of the NFB adopted at the national convention and can address concerns related to civil rights, educational programs and services, rehabilitation of the blind for competitive employment, the operation of vending facilities by blind persons on public property, specialized library services for the blind, the organization and funding of federal programs, Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income programs, and other timely topics.
The first Washington Seminar took place in 1973. Today, more than five hundred people from the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico typically attend.
Dates and Location
Monday, February 3 through Thursday, February 6, 2025
Holiday Inn Washington Capitol – National Mall
550 C Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
Fact Sheets
Read the fact sheets below to learn more about our legislative priorities this year. Each fact sheet is available in various formats, including HTML, audio, BRF, and Word.
Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act
Websites are required by law to be accessible, but without implementing regulations most businesses and retailers have little understanding of what accessible means. The Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act will define accessibility, provide technical assistance center to support accessibility, and enforce accessibility regulations. Read the entire fact sheet below:
- Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act (HTML)
- Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act (Audio)
- Download the legislative agenda and fact sheets (BRF)
- Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act (Word)
Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act
Advanced digital interfaces create barriers that prevent blind individuals from independently and safely operating home-use medical devices that are essential to their daily healthcare needs. The Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act will new and existing medical devices to meet nonvisual access standards and enforce accessibility standards. Read the entire fact sheet below:
- Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (HTML)
- Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (Audio)
- Download the legislative agenda and fact sheets (BRF)
- Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (Word)
Blind Americans Return to Work Act
Current Social Security law contains policies that have the unintended consequence of discouraging blind Americans from maximizing their earnings potential. The Blind Americans Return to Work Act will eliminate the Social Security Disability Insurance earnings cliff and make other reforms to create true work incentives. Read the entire fact sheet below:
- Blind Americans Return to Work Act (HTML)
- Blind Americans Return to Work Act (Audio)
- Download the legislative agenda and fact sheets (BRF)
- Blind Americans Return to Work Act (Word)
Additional Fact Sheets
The fact sheets below list federal laws and programs that affect the lives of blind people and additional legislative issues for Congress.
- Fact Sheet on Laws and Funding (Word)
- Fact Sheet on Laws and Funding (HTML)
- Additional Legislative Concerns (Word)
- Additional Legislative Concerns (HTML)
The following is the agenda, schedule overview, and Great Gathering-In details. If you have questions, please connect with your state affiliate president.
Full 2025 Washington Seminar Agenda
The full Washington Seminar agenda is available in HTML, Word, and BRF below:
Monday, February 3, 2025
8:00 – 4:00 p.m. eastern: First day activities of legislative briefings and preparation—includes the NFB Employment Committee Career Fair and National Association of Blind Students Winter Seminar.
5:00 p.m. eastern: the Great Gathering-In, the opening session of Washington Seminar to launch the powerful week with motivational remarks, unifying moments, and an atmosphere of collective action. This event will be live streamed. Captions and Spanish available.
Join the Great Gathering-In Live Stream
Zoom Meeting ID: 992 4094 2968
Join the Great Gathering-In from PC, Mac, iPad, or Android.
One-tap mobile:
+13017158592,,99240942968# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,99240942968# US (Chicago)
Or access in the following ways:
- Closed Captions via 1CapApp
- YouTube Stream, select the "Live" tab and the live video will start at the beginning of the release.
- Access our live stream by asking your Amazon device to play "Nation's Blind"
Tuesday, February 4 through Thursday, February 6, 2025
Each day includes congressional appointments that are scheduled meetings between Federationists and members of Congress or their staff to discuss the legislative priorities, share our lived experiences, and advocate for the nation’s blind. These appointments are organized through the National Federation of the Blind Advocacy and Policy department. Connect with your state affiliate president for more information.
Tuesday, 5:30 – 7:00 PM: National Federation of the Blind Congressional Reception, a networking event between Federationists and Legislators. Remarks from leaders and light refreshments provided. Review full agenda for more details.
In preparation for Washington Seminar, our Advocacy and Policy Government Affairs team hosted trainings via Zoom. If you missed it, watch the YouTube videos below.
Issues Training
Our Advocacy and Policy Government Affairs team provided a run-through of this year’s issues, goals, and proposed solutions.
Read the Washington Seminar Issue Training Transcript
Mock Meeting
National Federation of the Blind members demonstrate different ways to advocate for our three legislative priorities.
Transcript coming soon!
Building and Location Descriptions
Holiday Inn Washington Capitol – National Mall Description
For a brief description of the Holiday Inn Washington Capitol – National Mall, the long-time host hotel for the Washington Seminar, please see the Holiday Inn Washington Capitol National Mall Description HTML page or Word document below:
- Holiday Inn Washington Capitol National Mall Description (HTML)
- Holiday Inn Washington Capitol National Mall Description (Word)
United States Capitol Complex
The United States Capitol Complex is a large grouping of multiple buildings. If you are attending the Washington Seminar, knowing how to navigate these buildings in advance will make finding your meetings easier and quicker. For a brief description of the United States Capitol Complex, including all six of the Congressional Office Buildings, please see the United States Capitol Complex Description HTML page or Word document below:
More Information
For more information, please contact Kyle Walls at 410-659-9314, extension 2223, or [email protected].