The Braille Monitor

             Vol. 46, No. 6                                                                                  June 2003

Barbara Pierce, Editor

Published in inkprint, in Braille, and on cassette by

The National Federation of the Blind
Marc Maurer, President

National Office
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, Maryland  21230
Web Page address:
NFB-NEWSLINE� number: 1-888-882-1629

Letters to the president, address changes,
subscription requests, orders for NFB literature,
articles for the Monitor, and letters to the Editor
should be sent to the National Office.

Monitor subscriptions cost the Federation about twenty-five dollars per year.
Members are invited, and non-members are requested, to cover
the subscription cost. Donations should be made payable to
National Federation of the Blind and sent to:

National Federation of the Blind
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21230


ISSN 0006-8829

Louisville Site of 2003
NFB Convention


Image of a Kentucky field.

The 2003 convention of the National Federation of the Blind will take place in Louisville, Kentucky, June 28-July 5. We will conduct the convention at the Galt House Hotel and the Galt House East Tower, a first-class convention hotel. The Galt House Hotel, familiarly called the Galt House West, is at 140 N. Fourth Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202. The Galt House East Tower, or Galt House East, is at 141 N. Fourth Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202. Room rates for this year's convention are excellent: singles, doubles, and twins $57 and triples and quads $63 a night, plus tax. The hotel is accepting reservations now. A $60-per-room deposit is required to make a reservation. Fifty percent of the deposit will be refunded if notice is given to the hotel of a reservation cancellation before June 1, 2003. The other 50 percent is not refundable. For reservations call the hotel at (502) 589-5200.

Rooms will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations may be made to secure theserooms before June 1, 2003, assuming that rooms are still available. After that time the hotel will not hold the block of rooms for the convention. In other words, you should get your reservation in soon.

Our overflow hotel is the Hyatt Regency at 320 W. Jefferson Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, phone (502) 587-3434.

Those who attended the 2002 convention can testify to the gracious hospitality of the Galt House. This hotel has excellent restaurants, first-rate meeting space, and other top-notch facilities. It is in downtown Louisville, close to the Ohio River and only seven miles from the Louisville Airport.

The 2003 convention will follow what many think of as our usual schedule:

Saturday, June 28 Seminar Day

Sunday, June 29 Registration Day

Monday, June 30 Board Meeting and Division Day

Tuesday, July 1 Opening Session

Wednesday, July 2 Tour Day

Thursday, July 3 Banquet Day

Friday, July 4 Business Session

Plan to be in Louisville;
The action of the convention will be there!


         Vol. 46, No. 6                                                                                         June 2003


Another Victory in South Carolina: Commission
Survives Despite the Press

Leadership and the Technology of People
by Bob Root

My Long Journey from Partially Sighted to Really Blind
by Michele Gittens

What Is This World Coming To?
by Olegario D. Cantos VII

Valley Album
by Ed Kemmick

You're Not in Kansas Anymore, Dorothy
by Christine Brown

High Partial Is Still Blind
by Mike Robinson

Shaping Our Environment
by Marcus Schmidt

Campaign Reminder

The Beach, Pretty Girls, and Dreaming
by Richie Flores

Behold Beauty
by Noel Nightingale

So What Did You Do Last Summer?
by Barbara Pierce


Monitor Miniatures

Complete Braille Monitor (Text only)

Complete Braille Monitor (Text only - Download Zip version)

                         Copyright � 2003 National Federation of the Blind