Braille Monitor                                                                  December 1985



In 1984 the National Federation of the Blind dramatically upped the number and size of the scholarships which it awards. The 1985 program was substantially increased. The same is true for the coming year.

In 1986 twenty-four outstanding blind students will receive scholarships from the Federation totaling $65,000 in cash plus payment of their expenses to the National Federation of the Blind convention in Kansas City during late June and early July. Ten scholars will receive awards of $1,800; ten scholars will receive awards of $2,500; three scholars will receive awards of $4,000; and one scholar will receive a $10,000 scholarship. The Federation's commitment to excellence and achievement is long-standing We have made this commitment real through our many Federation programs and projects. No Federation program spotlights excellence and achievement more than our scholarship program, through which we honor and encourage America's distinguished blind students. The Scholarship Committee for 1986 (their terms expire December 31, 1986) consist of the following nineteen people: Peggy Pinder, Iowa, Chairman; Steven Benson, Illinois; Jacquilyn Billey, Connecticut; Suzanne Bridges, South Carolina; Charles Brown, Virginia; Joanne Fernandes, Louisiana; Priscilla Ferris, Massachusetts; Sharon Gold, California; Charles Hallenbeck, Kansas; John Halverson, Virginia; Allen Harris, Michigan; David Hyde, Oregon; Gary Mackenstadt, Washington; Ronald Matias, Indiana; Marc Maurer, Maryland; Homer Page, Colorado; Barbara Pierce, Ohio; Fred Schroeder, New Mexico; and Hazel Staley, North Carolina.

Our Scholarship Application Form (copy reproduced at the end of this article) consists of a single legal-sized page with printing on both sides. We are making an initial printing of forty thousand of these forms. They will be sent to every college and university in the country, every agency doing work with the blind, every Congressional office, every state president, and every member of the Scholarship Committee. They will also be sent to anyone requesting them. These are worthwhile scholarships, and they can be of real assistance to blind students. The news about our scholarship program should be disseminated as widely as possible. To receive forms or to obtain further information contact Peggy Pinder, Chairman, Grinnell State Bank Building, Second Floor, 814 - 4th Avenue, Grinnell, Iowa 50112; 515-236-3366. Forms can also be had by writing to: Scholarships, National Federation of the Blind, 1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21230. Here is the scholarship form:

National Federation of the Blind 1986 Scholarship Program

Each year the National Federation of the Blind offers a broad array of scholarships. These scholarships are bestowed at the Federation's Annual Convention in early July and are given to blind persons pursuing or planning to pursue a full-time post-secondary course of training or study. We are currently offering the following:

1. Ezra Davis Memorial Scholarship. A scholarship, in the amount of $10,000, has been endowed by Ezra Davis through his last will and testament and by the American Brotherhood for the Blind, a private agency which works to assist blind persons. Applicants for this scholarship must be legally blind and studying (or planning to study) at the post-secondary level. There is no restriction as to sex, graduate or undergraduate level, or field of study.

2. National Federation of the Blind Merit Scholarships. Nineteen of these scholarships (three in the amount of $4,000; seven in the amount of $2,500; and nine in the amount of $1,800) will be given this year. Applicants for these scholarships must be legally blind and studying (or planning to study) at the post-secondary level. There is no restriction as to sex, graduate or undergraduate level, or field of study.

3. Howard Brown Rickard Scholarship. This scholarship in the amount of $2,500 this year is awarded annually. Only students in certain fields of study are eligible because the donor of the scholarship wanted to encourage the blind to enter those fields. The scholarship was established by Thomas E. Rickard in honor of his father, Howard Brown Rickard. Any legally blind university student in the professions of law, medicine, engineering, architecture, or the natural sciences, including undergraduates in these fields, is eligible to apply.

4. Hermione Grant Calhoun Scholarships. Two of these scholarships (each in the amount of $2,500 this year) are awarded annually. Dr. Isabelle Grant established the Hermione Grant Calhoun Scholarships in memory of her daughter. These scholarships are awarded to legally blind female students for education at the college level.

5. Melva T. Owen Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship, in the amount of $1,800 this year, is given annually. This scholarship is given in memory of Melva T. Owen, who was widely known and loved among the blind. She and her husband Charles Owen became acquainted with increasing numbers of blind people through their work in the "Voicepondence" Club. In the words of Charles Owen, "There shall be no limitation as to field of study, except that it shall be directed towards attaining financial independence, and shall exclude religion and those seeking only to further their general or cultural education." Applicants must be legally blind. Criteria. All scholarships administered by the Federation are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, service to the community, and financial need.

Membership. The National Federation of the Blind is an organization dedicated to creating opportunities for all blind persons. In furtherance of this goal, we have established our scholarship program. Recipients of Federation scholarships need not be members of the National Federation of the Blind. Deadline. Applications for National Federation of the Blind scholarships must be submitted by March 31 of the year in which the scholarship is to be awarded. Applications for scholarships will be accepted from July 1 through March 31 for scholarships to be awarded in July.

Making Application. To apply for National Federation of the Blind scholarships, complete and return the application on the reverse side of this sheet. Multiple applications are unnecessary. The Scholarship Committee will consider each applicant as a candidate for all scholarships for which he or she qualifies. Please provide all the information requested where applicable to you. Please attach to your application all the additional documents requested on the application. Send the completed application and attachments to: Miss Peggy Pinder, Chairman, National Federation of the Blind Scholarship Committee, Grinnell State Bank Building, Second Floor, 814 - 4th Avenue, Grinnell, Iowa 50112. Reapplication. In the past we have often awarded scholarships to persons who were applying for the second or third time. Applicants must resubmit their applications each year by March 31 to be considered for scholarships to be awarded in July. Persons who have previously applied and who have not been granted scholarships are encouraged to apply again.

Winners. Each year our Scholarship Committee reviews all applications and selects the top candidates as scholarship winners. These winners, the same number of winners as there are scholarships to award, will be notified of their selection as winners by June 1 and will be brought to the National Federation of the Blind convention in July at Federation expense. This is in addition to the scholarship grants. Regardless of precisely which scholarship a winner receives, it is a mark of distinction and an honor to be chosen as a Federation scholarship winner. The winners are America's finest blind students.

The National Federation of the Blind Convention is the largest gathering of blind persons (more than 2,000) to occur anywhere in the nation each year. You will be able to meet with other blind students and exchange information and ideas, and you will also be able to meet and talk with blind people who are successfully functioning in your chosen profession or occupation. Federal officials, Congressmen and Senators, and the makers and distributors of new technology attend Federation Conventions.

Above all, a broad cross section of the most active segment of the blind population of the United States will be present to discuss common problems, exchange information and ideas, and plan for concerted action. It is an interesting and exciting week.

Awards. The day before the Convention Banquet the Scholarship Committee will meet to determine which winners will receive which scholarships. The scholarship awards will be made during the Banquet.

National Federation of the Blind Scholarship Application Form

Please read carefully the reverse side of this form for instructions and an explanation of how the scholarship program works. This form may be photocopied, but only if the reverse side (containing rules of the scholarship program) is included.

To apply for a scholarship, complete this application form, providing all the requested information applicable to you and attaching all the requested documents. Mail the completed application and attachments or address any questions to: Miss Peggy Pinder, Chairman, National Federation of the Blind Scholarship Committee, Grinnell State Bank Building, Second Floor, 814 - 4th Avenue, Grinnell, Iowa 50112.


Name (please include any maiden or other names by which you have been known):

Date of birth:

School address:

School phone number:

Home address:

Home phone number:

Institution being attended in the spring semester of 1986, with class standing (freshman, senior, third-year student, etc.):

Cumulative grade point average at this institution:

Institution to be attended in fall of 1986, with class standing. (Please provide this information by separate letter if you are admitted to your school of choice after submitting your completed application):

List all post-secondary institutions you have attended with highest class standing attained and cumulative grade point average:

High school attended and cumulative grade point:

Vocational goal:

Awards and honors (attach list if necessary ):

Community service (attach list if necessary ):

Please attach the following documents to your completed application:

1. Applicant's Letter. Along with your application, send us a letter: What schools have you attended? What school do you plan to attend during the coming year? What honors have you achieved? What are you like as a person? What are your goals and aspirations? How will the scholarship help you?

2. Two Letters of Recommendation.

3. Transcripts. Provide a current transcript from the institution you are attending as well as transcripts from all post-secondary institutions you have attended. If you have not yet attended an institution of higher learning or have not completed one year of study at such an institution, provide a high school transcript.

4. Letter from Federation Officer. Include a letter from a state officer of the National Federation of the Blind evidencing the fact that you have discussed your scholarship application with that officer. It is preferable but not mandatory that you discuss your application with the State President of the Federation. If you do not have the name and address of the Federation President in your state, we will provide it to you upon request.