Braille Monitor December 1985
For several years the National Federation of the Blind has had a Music Committee. Some of the people who take part in the activities of the Committee enjoy music and participate for the pleasure it gives them. Others are interested in music as a profession. Accordingly, a subgroup of the Committee is called the Professional/Serious Section. Its activities and purposes are indicated by its name. Recently Mary Brunoli, Chairperson of the Music Committee, and Julie Vogt, Editor of the Newsletter of the Professional/Serious Section, asked the Braille Monitor to carry the following material, which is aimed at those who wish to apply for positions in the field of music:
Dear Applicant:
The purpose of this questionnaire is: (1) to assist in describing and clarifying your musical goals, and (2) to assist Job Opportunities for the Blind (JOB) in possibly helping individuals in finding gainful musical employment. Please send all responses to Miss Julie Vogt, Plymouth Avenue Townhouse Apartments, 1414 Plymouth Avenue, North, Apt.106, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55411. She will work with you and with JOB for the best possible results.
Mary Brunoli, Chairperson
NFB Music Committee
1. Name, Address, Residence Phone, Work Phone:
2. Formal Education--High School, College. List any degrees:
3. Musical Education--College. If other, what musical educational experience have you had?
4. What natural musical ability do you have. Do you play by ear?
5. Do you feel that you have either natural talents or work experience in music which could be considered material for applied college credits, i.e., the university without walls?
6. Name current employer, even if employment is not related to music.
7. Have you ever been employed in the music field? If so, please list most recent time period involved and give duties.
8. What is your musical specialty: Instrumental, vocal, other. Please explain. If instrumental, please name instrument.
9. Name the category of music in what you are involved: country western, jazz, etc.
10. List chief accomplishments since beginning your musical career. List awards for such achievements.
11. Composition: Are you a composer? In what category--classical, folk, rock, gospel, religious, jazz, blues, other?
12. Have you ever recorded or functioned as a session musician?
13. Have you copyrighted? How recently?
14. Music Writing: Can you transcribe music Braille? If not, have you devised a music Braille method of your own? What method of music Braille do you use? Explain if it is Hand-Over-Hand or more than two staves. Are you equipped to be a teacher of Braille music?
15. If you are neither a teacher nor a musician, what is your field of work experience in connection with the music industry--i.e., disc jockey, musical attorney, music therapist, publicist, recording, promotional, etc.
16. Would you relocate to accept more suitable musical or other employment?