Braille Monitor                                                                  December 1985


Monitor Miniatures

**Minnesota Move-A-Thon:

Peggy Chong writes: We have just concluded our fourth annual Move-A-Thon. It was quite successful. Now we have $4,100 in, and it's still climbing. One of our best ways to keep it climbing is prizes. This year the prizes were a t-shirt if $50 was turned in before the deadline; a baseball for $100; our grand prize: a night for two at the Leamington Hotel. Thirty-three out of forty-six persons turning in money earned a t-shirt. We have no problem getting nonmembers to turn in money. We believe this is due to the prize system.

**Kentucky Convention:

Mary Heaven writes: In its thirty-eighth annual state convention held in Owensboro, Kentucky, on September 13th and 14th, 1985, the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky elected the following officers: Betty Niceley, President; T.V. Cranmer, First Vice President; Robert Page, Second Vice President; Robbie McClave, Third Vice President; Ed McDonald, Recording Secretary; Mary Heaven, Corresponding Secretary; Cathy Jackson, Treasurer; and Orville Phillips, Chaplin.

Six resolutions were passed dealing with affiliate building, the organization 's commitment to use its energies toward making more Braille available, and a support resolution for the vending proposal which recently came out of the Governor's office. Our Owensboro Chapter did a marvelous job in hosting the event.

At our banquet awards were received by both Betty Niceley and our Frankfort Chapter for their outstanding leadership in the promotion of Federationism during the past year. The 1986 convention will be held in Covington.

**Mobility Workshop:

Federation affiliates are conducting an ever increasing number of activities to improve the quality of life of the blind. Recently Fred Schroeder, national board member and President of the NFB of New Mexico, sent the following letter to the blind of the state:

Dear Members and Friends:

As blind people, there is no skill more important for us to have than the ability to travel safely and independently wherever we wish to go. Many of us have not had the opportunity to receive adequate cane travel training, while others of us have had training but have let our travel skills grow rusty. For this reason the National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico will be holding its first cane travel workshop to share ideas and techniques which will enable all of us to become more effective travelers. The seminar will be held on Saturday, October 19, 1985, in the Sandia Room of the Rio Grande Inn (1015 Rio Grande Boulevard, N.W.) in Albuquerque. The seminar will run from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Included in the seminar will be suggestions on basic cane technique as well as shared experiences on how to handle tough situations. In addition, there will be a chance to work individually on your cane technique and practice some of these skills around the hotel.

I hope to see you on October 19th.


The National Braille Press has asked us to carry the following announcement: Brighten up your breakfast table with moist blueberry muffins. Then, try your tastebuds on some tasty spare ribs, followed by mouthwatering peanut butter cookies for dessert. These basic, nutritious recipes can be found in Our Special Cookbook along with many more--and all for just $2.00. Two additional cookbooks: From Our Kitchen to Yours 1983 and 1984 contain countless people pleasers and cost just $3.00 each. To order, send your check to National Braille Press, Inc., 88 St. Stephen Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02115. Braille only.

**American Legion Magazine: We have been asked to carry the following announcement:

"The American Legion, an organization of 2.6 million military-service veterans, has for several years produced its monthly publication, The American Legion Magazine, on flexible records. The magazine contains articles on subjects of current national interest to all Americans and information concerning veterans benefits and legislation. "The Talking American Legion Magazine" is available on a no-cost subscription basis to all American veterans and to institutions including public libraries, nursing homes, and veterans care facilities. Additional information may be obtained by writing to: The Talking American Legion Magazine, P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206."

**Braille Translator:

Jacksonville, Illinois, Journal Courier, September 22, 1985:

NFB Computer Program Converts Text Into Braille

The National Federation of the Blind, Baltimore, Md., has announced the release of the computer program used at the National Center for the Blind for the production of Grade II Braille. The program was designed to make it easier to convert text entered onto a computer with a word processing program into Grade II Braille. Typically a sighted operator can convert a document into Braille after about 30 minutes of practice using fewer than a dozen commands.

The program is compatible with text files produced by Word Star and other word processing programs which produce print image files. It has been in use at the Center for more than three years and will run on many different kinds of computers.

A license to use the software, including Discette and Documentation, may be purchased along with ongoing support and automatic new release upgrade services. The program is supported and maintained for the NFB by Waverly Financial Systems, 2500 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md. 21218. For more information, write to the above address or call 301243-6859.

**Elections and Gender:

At recent conventions a number of new state presidents were elected. Ron Matias succeeded Joe Money as President of the National Federation of the Blind of Indiana; Priscilla Ferris succeeded Phil Oliver as President of the National Federation of the Blind of Massachusetts; Roberta Jensen succeeded Lee Jones as President of the National Federation of the Blind of Arizona; Connie Leblond succeeded Bill Higgins as President of the National Federation of the Blind of Maine; Pearl Duval succeeded Jim O'Neill as President of the National Federation of the Blind of Vermont; and David Arocho succeeded David Stayer as President of the National Federation of the Blind of New York. Congratulations to the new Presidents. While we are discussing state presidents, it might be noted that twenty-five of the states have women presidents, and twenty-six (don't forget D.C.) have men. No gender gap in the Federation.

**Congressional Assistant:

Judy Sanders has been employed to work as an assistant to Congressman Jerry Sikorski of Minnesota. She writes: "I have taken a position as Staff Aide with Congressman Jerry Sikorski in his district office. I began work October 16, 1985. I obtained this position because Congressman Sikorski knows the NFB and asked us to find somebody to work in his office. He read my testimony in support of the Fair Insurance Coverage Act and decided that I might fit his needs. There can be no doubt that this job placement goes to the NFB."

**For Sale:

We have been asked to carry the following announcement:

"Want to sell a Sanyo stereo system. Includes AM/FM radio, cassette and eight track recorder, turntable, two speaker cabinet, and dust cover. Approximately two years old. Price (including UPS shipping) $290. Also, a Sanyo duplicator, dual cassette like new. Can play or record stereo tapes along with dubbing from one cassette to the other. $160. Includes UPS shipping. Two years old. Used very little. Please make checks to Raymond Rokita, 308 Van Buren, Apartment 192-E, Jackson, Michigan 49201. Braille or cassette letters preferred."


The Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday Commission has requested that we call to the attention of Federationists the first celebration of the King Holiday, January 20, 1986. The Commission quotes Coretta Scott King, the widow of Martin Luther King, Jr.: "The theme of 'Living the Dream' calls for a day for love, not hate, understanding, not anger, for peace, not war."

**Name Needed:

Ed Bryant asks that we carry the following:

"We are the Diabetic Division of the National Federation of the Blind. Our inception was accomplished at the 1985 NFB national convention in Louisville, Kentucky.

"We are looking for a name for our fledgling newsletter. I encourage you to send me a suggestion for a name. Names will be given to a committee at our 1986 national convention. The committee will select the best name and the name will be matched up with the person who sent it. The winner will receive a prize of $100.

"The only requirement is that the newsletter name must include the word 'Diabetic' Names should be sent to: Ed Bryant, Vice President, NFB Diabetic Division, 111-A Stadium Boulevard, North, Columbia, Missouri 65203; (314) 445-1928."


Jan Byrd, wife of NFB board member Ronald Byrd, recently wrote about an honor which Ron received during the first week of October. She said: "Last week the Dallas NAACP honored him with the Community Service Award. He was chosen over seventeen other prominent leaders, and his work with the National Federation of the Blind in the capacity of Past President of the Dallas Chapter and now national board member helped to tip the scales in his favor. NFB is getting to be a household word in Dallas."

**Blind Merchants to Meet:

Larry Posont, President of the Merchants Division, says:

"The Merchants Division announces its spring meeting to be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, April 11 - 13, 1986, at the Radisson Hotel. All blind business people and those considering a career in business are invited and encouraged to come and participate. Friday, April 11, will be taken up with touring vending facilities in the area. Saturday's program will deal partly with matters of interest to all blind businessmen and women and with matters specific to the Randolph-Sheppard program. As usual, we will hold our banquet Saturday evening and our business meeting Sunday morning. "For reservations write the Radisson Hotel, 161 West 6th South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101; or phone 801-521-7373. Be sure to specify that you will be attending the NFB Merchants Division meeting. Room rates are $42.00 a room plus tax, whether you have one or four persons in the room. Plan to come to Salt Lake City for this meeting. You will be glad you did."

**Comets and Children:

President Jernigan asked Duane Gerstenberger to write a miniature about a new arrival in Illinois. Here is the result:

"While some earthlings will remember 1985 as the year Halley's Comet reappeared to our planet on its 75-year cycle, others--most notably Steve and Peg Benson of Illinois--will remember 1985 as the year Patrick Owen Benson made his initial appearance. First observed by his fellow earthlings at 12:40 p.m. on October 10, father, National Board Member and Illinois affiliate President Steve Benson, mother, attorney Peg Benson, and Patrick Owen all are reported in A-OK condition."**New


Bob and Pat Eschbach report the arrival Tuesday, September 24, 1985, of a new grandchild, Ian Michael Cunnyngham. Born at 8:05 a.m., Ian Michael weighed over seven pounds and was twenty-one inches long. Ian Michael's mother, Mary (daughter of Bob and Pat Eschbach) reports that he gained eleven ounces in the first week. Such vitality is only to be expected from the Eschbach clan. As Federationists know, Bob is the past President of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio and a member of the Board of Directors of the National Federation of the Blind. He also holds a supervisory position with the Ohio state rehabilitation program. Pat, among other things, has during recent years been in charge of the food operations in the Presidential Suite at national conventions and has earned universal commendation for her performance.


On October 6, 1985, the following people were elected to office in the NFB of Massachusetts: President, Priscilla Ferris; First Vice President, Peter Slowkowski; Second Vice President, Dolores Fleming; Treasurer, Cecile Paice; Recording Secretary, Paul Burkhardt; Corresponding Secretary, Dennis Polselli; and Legislative Officer, Albert Sten.


June Grant, President of the Chattanooga Chapter, writes:

"You might be interested in knowing that two of our Chattanooga Federation members were married September 5th in Chattanooga. They are Marquis Grant and Kay Reno Grant. Marquis has been a long-time member of the Federation, and Kay joined in May. They met at the May meeting of the NFB."


On October 15, 1985, Marc Maurer, President of the National Federation of the Blind of Maryland, received recognition for his work to promote the civil rights of the blind in Maryland. Delegate Elijah E. Cummings, Chairman of the Maryland Legislative Black Caucus, made a presentation in a political gathering of over 500 people, in which he described Marc's achievements and recognized the progress of the National Federation of the Blind. The plaque reads:

Presented to


For Your Tremendous Efforts
In the Struggle for
Equality and Justice for the Blind and Handicapped of Maryland

Elijah E. Cummings

October 15, 1985


On October 1, 1985, the Mayor of Erie, Pennsylvania, issued a proclamation, which said in part:

Whereas, the National Federation of the Blind, founded in 1940, is the largest organization of the blind in the nation, having local chapters in almost every community of any size;...

Now, Therefore, I, Louis J. Tullio, Mayor of the City of Erie, Pennsylvania, do hereby proclaim the month of October, 1985, as National Federation of the Blind Month in Erie and I urge the citizens of the Erie area to recognize and support the Erie County Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind in its efforts to generate more public awareness of the blind, and to congratulate them for this contribution to our community. LOUIS J. TULLIO, Mayor

**Correspondence Chess:

We have been asked to carry the following announcement:

The 1986-87 U.S. Correspondence Chess Championship for the Blind will start during January, 1986. Entry fee is $3.00 to cover the cost of a pairings cassette and tournament administration. Chess move transmission is in Braille. However, provisions have been made for non-Braille users. They may compete in the tournament on cassette if they provide the cassette. Submit all entries to: Gintautas Burba, Postal Tournament Director, U.S. Braille Chess Association, 30 Snell Street, Brockton, Massachusetts 02401.