40, No. 9
October 1997
Barbara Pierce, Editor
Published in inkprint, in Braille,
on cassette and
the World Wide Web and FTP on the Internet
The National Federation of the Blind
Marc Maurer, President
National Office
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
NFB Net BBS: (612) 696-1975
Web HomePage Address: http//www.nfb.org
Letters to the president, address changes,
subscription requests, orders for NFB literature,
articles for the Monitor, and letters to the Editor
should be sent to the National Office.
Monitor subscriptions cost the Federation
about twenty-five dollars per year.
Members are invited, and non-members are requested, to cover
the subscription cost. Donations should be made payable to
National Federation of the Blind and sent to:
National Federation of the Blind
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Vol. 40, No. 9 October 1997
Let The
Old Creep Die
by Barbara Pierce
FDA Meeting Report:
Insulin vials will have tactile Markings
by Ed Bryant
Politics In Mississippi As Usual: Rehabilitation Again Featured
Signs of Regress
by Scott LaBarre
A Perspective on
Braille Unification
by Joseph E. Sullivan
Floral Designer
In Training
by Ladonna Jean Whitt
American Library Association Honors Senator John Chafee
More Than A Question
Of Membership
by Barbara Pierce
In Memoriam: Wallace
Schroeder and Fred Moore
by Kenneth Jernigan
The Braille Monitor, October, 1997 Complete Issue
Pictured standing outside on the front steps of the National Center for the Blind are the members of the new Technology Department of the National Federation of the Blind. They are (left to right) back row, John Chrisman, Richard Lord, Marie Marucci, and Richard Ring; front row, Julie Bieselin, Curtis Chong, and Michael Gosse. The new department began work as a unit in the middle of August. The group's offices are all on the second floor of the Johnson Street wing of the National Center for the Blind. Curtis Chong, a longtime leader of the organization, has moved to Baltimore to Head the department. Richard Ring will continue to direct the International Braille and Technology Center for the Blind, John Chrisman and Richard Lord conduct operations for NEWSLINE for the Blind�. Michael Gosse, an experienced electrical engineer and First Vice President of the Science and Engineering Division, has joined the staff to help devise, design, and perhaps build new technology to benefit blind people. Julie Bieselin and Marie Marucci are experienced members of the NFB staff who have recently moved to the Technology Department.
ISSN 0006-8829
Copyright 1997, The National Federation of the Blind