Future Reflections

The National Federation of the Blind Magazine for Parents and Teachers of Blind Children


 Vol. 23, No. 3����������������������� ����������������������� ����������� ���������������������            ��Fall 2004

Barbara Cheadle, Editor

Rocket On! students, staff, and mentors pose for a group shot at the wrap-up ceremony held in the auditorium of the newly opened NFB Jernigan Institute.   In the front row are students: David Abrahams, Justin Harford, Tiffani Clements, Amy Herstein, Justin Hodge, Alysha Jeans, Daniel Ramirez, Meghan Joost, Nikki Singh, Ryan Thomas, Hoby Wedler, and Lindsay Yazzolino.  In the back row is: Chaz Cheadle (NFB), Mary Jo Thorpe (NFB), Bernhard Beck-Winchatz (DePaul University), Phil Eberspeaker (NASA), Mark Riccobona (NFB), Nathaniel Wales (NFB), Robert Shelton (NASA), Mark Maurer (NFB), and Robin House (NFB).
Rocket On! students, staff, and mentors pose for a group shot at the wrap-up ceremony held in the auditorium of the newly opened NFB Jernigan Institute. In the front row, from left to right, are the students: David Abrahams, Justin Harford, Tiffani Clements, Amy Herstein, Justin Hodge, Alysha Jeans, Daniel Ramirez, Meghan Joost, Nikki Singh, Ryan Thomas, Hoby Wedler, and Lindsay Yazzolino. In the back row, from left to right, is: Chaz Cheadle (NFB), Mary Jo Thorpe (NFB), Bernhard Beck-Winchatz (DePaul University), Phil Eberspeaker (NASA), Mark Riccobono (NFB), Nathanael Wales (NFB), Robert Shelton (NASA); Marc Maurer (NFB), and Robin House (NFB).


ISSN 0883-3419

Future Reflections
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For more information about blindness and children contact

National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, MD 21230-4998
(410) 659-9314, ext. 2360
www.nfb.org/nopbc.htm��� *�� [email protected]�� *� [email protected]


Vol. 23, No. 3 ����������������������� ����������������������� ����������� ������������������������                    �� Fall 2004

From the Editor

This IS Rocket Science
by Bernhard Beck-Winchatz�����������

The Kid Who Named Pluto
by Marc McCutcheon, Book reviewed by Deborah Kent Stein

Turning Dreams into Reality: The 2004 NFB Science Academy
by Mark A. Riccobono

Taking Matters Into Their own Hands:
Blind Students� Perspectives on Teaching, Trust, and Telescopes
        by Michaela R. Winchatz

Technology and Keyboarding:
A Parent Wants to Know, What Comes First?

Using Readers
by Carol Castellano

When the Light�s Not Right

Online Education Program
New Initiative from the NFB Jernigan Institute

The California School for the Blind and the Unique Joy of Braille Literacy
by Dr. Stuart Wittenstein & Mary Willows

2003-2004 Braille Readers Are Leaders Winners

Christmas Crafts For Blind Children
by Heather Field

Good Toys for Blind Kids Fall 2004

Good Toys for Blind Kids Nomination Form

Massage: A Feel-Good Treat That Works Wonders—Resources and Tips for Blind and Multiply Disabled Children
by Linda Zani Thomas

What You �Auto� Know: Blind Teens and the Mechanics of Myth-Busting
by Anna Cheadle

Blind Mechanic Had Magic Touch
by Bryan Corbin

Choosing a College
by Eric Duffy

Making Friends, Meeting Strangers
by Barbara Pierce

Catalogs from the Editor�s Bookshelf
Compiled by Barbara Cheadle

North American Active Learning Convention

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

        Complete Fall Issue

          Complete Fall Issue Zip (download only)

Copyright � 2004 National Federation of the Blind