Future Reflections Summer 2006
Notices and information in this section may be of interest to our readers. We are not responsible for the accuracy of the information; we have edited only for space and clarity. We list the price only for comparison purposes since most vendors reserve the right to change prices at any time.
Play and toys are an integral part of any child�s development, and the new site
www.ableplay.org offers all the right toys for children with disabilities. Parents
and professionals often struggle in their search for the best products for their
disabled children, and that is why specialists like Diana Nielander, Director
of Lekotek, have developed AblePlay� to assist in that search. The products
listed are often advertised in parenting magazines, but the difference is that
these specialists have rated the toys� appropriateness for various types of
disabilities. Also, each toy has a description page with play and adaptation
ideas. These are off-the-shelf products. AblePlay� lists the retail price range
and also locations where the toy can be purchased.
The Jewish Guild for the Blind offers an annual scholarship program for college-bound
high school students who are legally blind. Applications will be accepted from
students at the start of their senior year, with recipients selected and scholarships
awarded later in that academic year. The Program will award twelve to fifteen
scholarships of up to $15,000 each. All applications are due by September 15,
2006 and recipients should be announced by mid-December. Applicants must prove
legal blindness and be a U.S. citizen or legal resident. Applications are available
online at www.jgb.org/guildscholar.asp or call (212) 769-7801 for more information.
The Large-Print Ministry is now offering The Large-Print Book of Common
Prayer CD and the Prayers and Psalms for Today CD. The first includes
the entire 1979 Book of Common Prayer and is formatted for Microsoft
Word. The 18-point text is perfect for putting together worship materials for
the large print readers and the CD is also notetaker compatible. The �Prayers
and Psalms� is in APhont�, a font created by the American Printing House for
the Blind for people who read large print. While these materials are free, donations
are encouraged and appreciated to help cover costs.
To order either CD, specify the CD being ordered and send a self-addressed 6x9 inch envelope with three first-class postage stamps attached to: Ann Dahlen, 1900 6th Avenue Apt. 513, Rock Island, Illinois 61201, or send an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected]
Transcriber Service
Victor S. Hemphill, Library of Congress certified transcriber for over forty
years, offers transcribing services at $2.00/ page for English language text.
Ships FREE MATTER FOR THE BLIND. Also teaches online transcribing course for
$250.00. For more information and details about rates, contact Victor S. Hemphill
at 2851 North Lake Avenue #9, Altadena, California 91001 or e-mail [email protected],
or call (626) 797-0765.