The National Federation of the Blind Magazine for Parents and Teachers of Blind Children
Volume 27 Number 3 Convention Report 2008
Barbara Cheadle, Editor
Copyright © 2008 National Federation of the Blind
For more information
about blindness and children contact:
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 659-9314, ext. 2360 � [email protected] � [email protected]
Volume 27 Number 3 Convention Report 2008
National Braille Literacy Campaign and Commemorative Coin
Our First Convention
Impressions from the Parent Leadership Program Class of 2008
NOPBC Silver Anniversary Extravaganza
by Barbara Pierce
Photo Report – NOPBC Anniversary Dinner
An Open Letter to Parents
by Carrie Gilmer, President
NOPBC Honors Barbara Cheadle for Twenty-Three Years of Service
Twenty-Five Years of Program Initiatives
For Parents and Their Blind Children
Barbara Cheadle, Panel Moderator
In Celebration of NOPBC’s First 25 Years
by Carol Castellano
Coming to Adulthood in the NOPBC
by Angela Wolf
Why I Am a Federationist
by Laura Weber
Twenty-Five Years of Parent Initiatives
by Jim Beyer
My Friends in the NFB
by Lauren Beyer
Meet the 2008-2009 Officers and Board Members of NOPBC
Blind Youth IMAGINE the Future
by Kayleigh Joiner, Jordan Richardson, and Anna Catherine Walker
California Dreaming
by Vejas Vasiliauskas and Kyra Sweeney
Virginia Teacher Receives 2008 Distinguished
Educator of Blind Children Award
Announcing the 2008-2009 Braille
Readers Are Leaders Contest
by Jennifer Dunnam
More Than Just Money for School
The 2009 NFB Scholarship Program
by Anil Lewis
Star Sponsors of NOPBC’s Silver Anniversary Celebration
Serotek Presents Keys for K-12
It’s a Party... and You’re Invited!
A Bulletin from the National Braille Press
Save the Dates and Plan for Detroit Now!
Complete Future Reflections - Zip file (WORD)
For thousands of parents and friends of blind children, PARENT POWER means membership in the National Organization of Parents of Blind Children. The NOPBC is a national membership organization that provides vital support, encouragement, training, and information about blindness to members and to the broader community. As an affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind, the NOPBC is a bridge that connects families to blind role models and mentors. NOPBC is also a vehicle for expanding resources for parents, changing public attitudes about blindness, and creating greater opportunities for blind and visually impaired kids everywhere. Your NOPBC membership matters. NOPBC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
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