Future Reflections

The National Federation of the Blind Magazine for Parents and Teachers of Blind Children

Volume 27 Number 4                               Fall 2008

Barbara Cheadle, Editor


Joy Hu at the 2008 NFB Junior Science Academy.


Copyright © 2008 National Federation of the Blind

For more information about blindness and children contact:
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 659-9314, ext. 2360
www.nfb.org/nopbc � [email protected][email protected]



Volume 27 Number 4                               Fall 2008



Detroit Site of 2009 NFB Convention

The National Federation of the Blind Youth Slam 2009


An Ordinary Childhood
by Julie Reid


Louis Braille Touched Us All
by Deborah Kendrick

NFB Launches National Braille Literacy Campaign

Making Braille the Key to Literacy and Fun--The 2007-2008 Braille Readers Are Leaders Contest Report
by Becca Cordell


STEMming the Tide and Bridging the Barriers
by Eric Guillory

Comets, Kids, and Captain Whozit: Tales from the 2008 NFB Junior Science Academy
by Mary Jo Thorpe


Cutting Through Fears
by Carrie Gilmer, President, National Organization of Parents of Blind Children

My Moment of Liberation
by Jennifer Hu

What Matters Most--Thoughts from a Parent of Three Kids with Multiple Disabilities
by René Harrell

Iowa Parents of Blind Children Host Toys and Games Seminar
by Barbara Hammel

IEP Comebacks That Work


Sound-Producing Toys--Too Much of a “Good” Thing?
by Jacki Harth, MS, LPP, BCBA

Rags to Riches? Just Pretend…
by Tina Bruce

Merry-Noel’s Game List
A List of Nonvisually Accessible Commercial Games

How to Adapt Milton Bradley’s “Twister” Game
by Loretta White

Merry-Noel’s Original Games
by Merry-Noel Chamberlain, TVI, NOMCT


Reflections on Collaboration in Orientation and Mobility (O&M)
A Mother, Her Son, and Their O&M Instructor Share Thoughts and Experiences

by Fabiana Perla, Tina Fiorentino, and Rocco N. Fiorentino


Cell Phone Accessibility for Your Blind Child
by Wesley Majerus


Some Thoughts on Career Exploration
by Robin House


     Complete Future Reflections

     Complete Future Reflections - Zip file (WORD)


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