Future Reflections

The National Federation of the Blind Magazine for Parents and Teachers of Blind Children

Volume 28 Number 1                                          Special Issue: A Celebration of Braille

Barbara Cheadle, Editor


The obverse and reverse of the Louis Braille Bicentennial Commemorative Coin  


Copyright © 2009 National Federation of the Blind

For more information about blindness and children contact:
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 659-9314, ext. 2360
www.nfb.org/nopbc � [email protected][email protected]



Volume 28 Number 1                                          Special Issue: A Celebration of Braille


From the Editor


The Other Side of History
by Fredric K. Schroeder

The 2009 Louis Braille Bicentennial Silver Dollar

Braille (a poem)


Louis Braille: The Father of Literacy for the Blind
by Deborah Kent Stein

Braille: What It Is and What It Is Not
by Sister M. Elaine George, IHM

Double Your Pleasure—Double Your Speed
by Jerry Whittle          

“The War of the Dots” A Brief History of Braille

The Information Age Braille Technology Timeline
Compiled by Clara Van Gerven and Anne Taylor

The History of the Nemeth Code: An Interview with Dr. Abraham Nemeth
by Caryn Navy

Adapting the Braille Code to Music
by C. Michael Mellor


Reading Pals Sparks Love for Braille
by Julie Durando, PhD, Barbara Cheadle, and Judith Chwalow, DrPH

Braille for My Baby
by Graciela Tiscareño-Sato


In Praise of a Teacher: Thank You, Mrs. McGee
by Zena Pearcy

Print or Braille? Megan Reads Both
by Marla Palmer


Kendra’s Kindergarten Year: As Good as it Gets…
by Stephanie Kieszak-Holloway
St. Lucy Day School Creates a Braille-Rich Environment

Writing with a Slate and Stylus is Easy!
by Ramona Walhof

Doing Math in Braille
by Carol Castellano and Dawn Kosman         


Braille on the Job
by Gary Wunder

Braille Every Day in Every Way
by Lauren Merryfield

Braille Slate Pals Application

Heirloom Technology
by Bonnie Lucas


Sharing the Braille Code with Sighted Children
by Jolene C. Wallace


The Future Is Ours and Theirs NOPBC 2009 Annual Conference
by Carrie Gilmer

     Complete Future Reflections

     Complete Future Reflections - Zip file (WORD)


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