Future Reflections

The National Federation of the Blind Magazine for Parents and Teachers of Blind Children


Vol. 22, No. 1���                                                                          Convention Report 2002        

Barbara Cheadle, editor

NFB Logo - Whozit


The big surprise at the 2002 Convention was the unveiling of the new NFB logo�Whozit. Whozit is a stylized representation of a person striding with determination, leading the way with a cane that represents freedom and advancement. Pictured above is a tactile replica of Whozit�one of thousands that were passed out at the convention. When printed in full color, Whozit is a combination of gold, red, blue, gray, and purple. The cover of Future Reflections was redesigned to harmonize with the dynamic image conveyed by Whozit. The blue is the same blue used in the color version of the logo; and the three figures�representing a blind child and his or her family�are created from the Whozit design elements. The figures are also a graphic depiction of the magazine�s name: children will reflect our values and our expectations; what we believe about blindness and what we do about it in the raising and educating of our blind children does matter.


National Office
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Web site address: http://www.nfb.org
E-mail: [email protected]

 ISSN 0883-3419


Future Reflections

The National Federation of the Blind Magazine for Parents and Teachers of Blind Children

1800 Johnson Street�� *��Baltimore, Maryland 21230
410-659-9314�� *��www.nfb.org�� *���[email protected]

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Vol. 22, No. 1� ���������������������������������������������������������������������Convention Report 2002


2003 NFB National Convention

Schedule of NOPBC-Sponsored Events for Parents,
Teachers, and Youth at the 2003 NFB Convention
by Barbara Cheadle, President

NOPBC 2003 Activities Preregistration

UPS Delivers More Than Parcels! Braille Readers Are Leaders
Celebrates 20th Anniversary
by Sandy Halverson �������

NFB Hosts Public Release of Touch the Universe:
A NASA Braille Book of Astronomy

by Barbara Cheadle

Touch the Universe: A Review
by Carol Castellano

2003 Update on the Instructional Materials Accessibility Act (IMAA)

Families Learn Techniques at School for Blind Sessions
by Darla Carter

VIPS Play Stations at 2002 Convention Combine Learning, Fun

Recipes for Fun

Common Visual Impairments in Young Children

Another Way of Seeing
by Deborah Kent Stein

Me and My PE Teacher
by Melissa Williamson

The Lilli Nielsen FIELA Curriculum in Action:
The Skylands School Experience

by Cathy Bailey, OT; Rosemarie Lakawicz, PT;
Toni Vidro, Head Teacher; and Linda Zani Thomas, Parent

Fit for Life
by Jennifer Butcher

Everyone Has a Cane, Just Like Me!
by Nalida E. L. Besson

A Teacher�s Perspective on the 2002 NFB Convention
A letter to the Editor by Debbie Hartz

Blind Kids Play, Too
by Elizabeth Jacobson, John Pastorius, and Amy Herstein

Missouri Teacher Receives
Distinguished Educator Award

My Days Are Full
by Michael Taboada

A poem by Ryan Weatherbee

If You Love Your Children, Send Them on a Journey
by Robin Barnes and Pamela Houston

Can Blind People be Astronomers?
by Bernhard Beck-Winchatz

The NFB 2002 Scholarship Class

NFB Camp: Childcare at the 2003 Convention

Family Needed for Asian Child

Disability Awareness Curriculum for Schools

2003 NFB Scholarships

FAPE Provides Resource Information about IDEA '97

NFB Camp Registration Form

Future Reflections complete issue (Text Only)

Future Reflections complete issue (Text Only) Download Zipped Copy


For more information about blindness and children contact

National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, MD 21230
410-659-9314 ext. 360
www.nfb.org/nopbc.htm��� *�� [email protected]�� *�� [email protected]

Copyright � 2003 National Federation of the Blind