Future Reflections Summer 1990, Vol. 9 No. 2

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by Janiece Betker

-Review by Doris M. Willoughby

This excellent and practical book gives a wealth of suggestions for daily living. Topics include Aids and Appliances, Baby and Child Care, Baking, Entertaining, Grooming, Home Repair, Identifying and Matching Clothing, Laundering, Readers, Shopping, etc. (This is only a partial list.)

Lifeskills is well-written and very readable, with clear explanations and occasional humor. It includes many tips which I have never seen elsewhere. Practical problems are dealt with -- for example, guests who leave things out of place.

This book is in refreshing contrast to books which give condescending and overly detailed directions for very simple matters. Mrs. Betker discusses the problems caused by such books, along with the general problem of misconceptions about blindness. She emphasizes flexibility, along with avoidance of dependence on gimmicks and rigid formulas. She also emphasizes the value of Braille and other methods not dependent on sight, rather than over-reliance on inadequate sight.

The description of Free Matter mailing is somewhat confusing, and the Money section underemphasizes the script (cursive) signature. But these are minor points. This is an excellent book covering a very wide range of topics.

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