Future Reflections Summer 1990, Vol. 9 No. 2

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Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Jennie Honeycut is 15 years old, a ninth grader, and vice-president of the Gate City Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Idaho. This news item is reprinted from the NFB of Idaho newsletter:

The Fundraiser
by Jennie Honeycut

The Gate City Chapter had a hot dog stand September 1-4. After all expenses were paid, we had about $300 in our Treasury. It was a super fundraiser! People were assigned to work at three different shifts. One person handled the money, one served pop, and the other served hot dogs. So you can see our setup was very well organized. We didn't do the hot dog stand just for a fundraiser, but we did it to catch the public's eye. It gave us a chance to answer questions about blindness and to talk to people in general. It also gave us a chance to pass out our literature and spread the word of our organization.


We have been asked to print the following announcement. If you are interested in adopting a child or if you have been trying to become adoptive parents without success, Adoption Options of Louisiana, Inc. may be able to assist you. Adoption can be discouraging. You may be older than the maximum age limit set by some agencies. Some agencies require that you have a physical problem that prevents you from having a natural child. Many agencies will not serve a single adoptive parent. Some agencies feel reluctant to place a child with prospective parents who are themselves handicapped. But, did you know there are many agencies who will accept you as an applicant? Options is not an adoption agency, but an adoption referral service. There are homeless children, even healthy newborns who are waiting for adoptive families. These children need you; Options can help you locate them. We will assist you in locating adoptable infants in the United States or in foreign countries. There is no need to be on a waiting list for years on end. Based on your personal history and the type of child you are searching for, Options will locate agencies and private adoption resources who can best meet your needs. It is important in your search for a child that you be multi-registered so that your chances of finding a child are greatly increased. If you are serious about adoption and can provide a good home for a child, Options is a good place to begin.

Adoption Options of Louisiana
343 Royal Street
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
(504) 343-0010 (daytime)
(504) 647-3179 (weekends and weekdays after 6:00 p.m.)

The following information comes from Joan E. Poirier of Washington state:

FunSense --quality toys and games for sensory exploration. About the business: In 1988 our daughter Jessica, now three, lost her sight to the rare disease of Retinoblastoma. We began what turned out to be a long and frustrating process of searching for games and toys for Jessie's special needs. We spent countless hours researching the market only to find very few fun and entertaining products which could be played without the aid of a sighted person. At that time we began producing our own creative games for Jessica. Today, the goal of FunSense is to provide a high quality, precision-crafted product with special care given to detail that will enhance a person's sense of touch, and allow them to play independently. Our products have been given Jessica's vote of approval, and we are excited to now make them available to you and your family.

Products now available: SHAPE UP! offers game board fun while distinguising shapes by touch. Be the first to reach the finish point by spinning the spinner and moving to the matching shape. Parents and siblings enjoy this game, too. Designed for 1- 4 players. Order number: S101A; price $24.95. ENCOUNTER is an excellent counting skills board game. For the younger child, match the number on the dice to the number on the game board. For the older child, practice addition skills as you move your game piece around the board. Game can be played completely by touch. Designed for 1-4 players. Order number: E102A; price $22.95. Special offer of $40.00 for both games. Add $3.00 for shipping and handling. Washington state residents add sales tax of 7.8%. Send orders and personal check or money order to:

P.O. Box 9969
Spokane, Washington 99209

Looking Ahead: More products are on the way and will be released shortly. Among them is a game called "Mice Pegs," our own version of checkers, a coloring book gift pack, and a bicycle/tricycle track. If you are not placing an order with us at this time, please do send us your name and address so that we can mail you a brochure of future products.

Reprinted from Kid-Bits.

**Storage Problems?
Beans, seeds, rice, and other small items can provide lots of creative experiences for older preschoolers. But what do you do with all those items so as not to waste them? Three-liter soft drink bottles are ideal for storage of these items. They don't take up a lot of space, they are insect proof, and you can see the contents of each bottle. Vegetable/fruit containers (plastic mesh baskets) can be used to hold a wasp's or bird's nest. Use clear soft drink bottles with small air holes for bugs or worms. Slide the bottle into a clean nylon stocking and tie the top of the stocking with a knot. Cut off remainder of stocking.

Locate a plastic ice cream bucket or large whipped topping container with a snap-on lid. Gather a wooden triangle, thread spool or deodorant bottle cap, small rectangular box, or other various-shaped objects near in size. Trace around each object on top of lid and cut around each shape with a knife or razor blade. Give child opportunity to find where the shapes fit.

Get an empty potato chip can and punch a hole in the center of the plastic lid and of the metal bottom. Tie a jingle bell onto end of 18" ribbon. Insert ribbon through hole in bottom of can from the outside to the inside of lid. Place lid on can and tape securely in place. Cover can with interesting pattern of contact paper.

Cover a salt or oatmeal box with colorful contact paper or reflective tape. You may put bells or objects in the box to supply noise. String a cord through each end of the box and tape ends or openings secure. Hang the box across the crib for a baby to kick.

Donna Posont of Michigan submits the following: The NFB of Michigan Parents Division is selling sweatshirts and T-shirts with print and Braille lettering "BRAILLE READERS ARE LEADERS". The shirts are royal blue with white raised Braille dots and yellow lettering with the NFB logo and the words National Federation of the Blind. The sweatshirts are available in children's sizes small, medium and large for $15.00 and adult sizes small, medium, large and extra large for $ 18.00, and "xxtra large" for $20.00. The T-shirts are available in the same sizes for $8.00 for children's, $10.00 for adults, and $12.00 for adult extra large. To order, please make check for money order payable to the NFB/MI Parents Division. Be sure to include $2.00 shipping and handling for each shirt ordered. Please remit to:

Donna Posont
4539 Rosalie
Dearborn, Michigan 48126.

This article was written by Bruce E. Breslauer, and has appeared in the publications of the NFB of California (NFB Spokesman in California) and the NFB of Illinois (The Month's News).

Susan Breslauer, a Federationist formerly living in California and now residing in Illinois, has always been interested in dogs. Besides her three Guide Dogs, she has always wanted to show dogs in obedience trials. In September of 1984, she purchased an American Kennel Club registered black Labrador puppy whose full registered name is Adares Woodland Timber (Timber, for short). Then she began the long process of training. Susan began to attend various dog-training classes around the area but was constantly told that a blind person could not train a dog for dog shows. Federationists are used to being told that they can't do things, so she persisted, doing most of the work on her own.

In order to earn the first obedience degree, known as the Companion Dog, or CD. degree, the person-dog team must take part in three shows and earn in each show a score of 170 points or better on a scale of 200 points. The teams are given points according to how well they perform certain obedience routines, such as the Figure 8, the one-minute sit-stay, the three-minute down stay, heeling on and off leash, etc.Timber had qualifying scores in all three shows; a particular thrill for Susan was to participate in the International Dog Show on March 29 in Chicago. "I have always dreamed of being in a really big bench show," Susan says, "and everyone was telling me that a blind person could never show under such conditions of noisy crowds and the many distractions of a large show. It was my Federation philosophy which kept me going in the face of strong opposition. Now I want to go into more advanced obedience work with Timber."

Print or Braille? Here is one reader's viewpoint on the subject. This letter came to the national NFB office not too long ago. The writer is straightforward about a matter that many try to unnecessarily complicate. Here are comments from Jody Ianuzzi.

"I have been reading of the ongoing battles for children to learn Braille as described in the Monitor. I am definitely in favor of teaching Braille to legally blind children even if they can read print. As a child I cojlMread print, so I didn't have to learn Braille. As a result I am limited to 80-100 words a minute with my nose in the book for a total of 30 minutes, when eye strain makes it impossible to read any more (my son could read faster than I can when he was in the third grade). I rely on taped books for most of my reading. Of course this is limited to 180- 200 words a minute (with the speed up). These are all limits which could have been eliminated if I had learned Braille as a child. I would feel bitter about this if it were not for the fact that I now have a goal. I have taught myself Grade I and, as soon as we are settled in our new house, I will teach myself Grade II, and maybe even III. To the parents of low-vision children and their teachers--TEACH THE CHILDREN BRAILLE!!!"

We have been asked to carry the following announcement:

These expanded keyboards were specifically created for use with the Speak & Spell, Speak & Read, and Speak & Math electronic learning aids, and are designed to accommodate students with a variety of physical disabilities. Although designed mainly with cerebral palsied children in mind, the expanded keyboards may be used to accommodate children with other forms of motor or limb dysfunction. Measuring 12 x 24 inches, and only 1 inch thick, the expanded keyboards provide a welcome option to the small keyboard display on the Speak & Spell, Speak & Read, and Speak & Math learning aids. Individual keys are placed 2 inches apart on a flat surface of durable plastic. The entire unit is waterproof, and easily cleaned. The keyboards are solidly constructed to withstand heavy classroom use, yet are easy to transport. To use the keyboard, students merely press the appropriate letter firmly. The units were designed so that unintentional movements, often the result of involuntary tremor, will not register an unnecessary entry. These expanded keyboards will prove to be valuable tools in almost any special education situation! Price: Expanded Keyboard including Texas Instrument unit --$375. Contact: EKEG Electronics Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 46199, Station 'G,' Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6R 4G5; (604) 273- 4358.

We have been asked to carry the following announcement:

Seedlings Braille Books for Children has moved to larger quarters in order to be able to continue to grow and to make more children's books available in Braille! The new address is:

P.O. Box 2395
Livonia, Michigan 48151-8552.

New Seedlings tote bags are also now available. This tote measures 15 x 12 x 4 inches, comes in navy blue, and carries the slogan (in Braille and in print): READERS ARE A TOUCH ABOVE THE REST! followed by the Seedlings logo. The price is only $11.00 each including postage! To order send a check or money order to our new address. For further information, or for a catalog of books, please contact Seedlings at our new address and phone number.

Stacy Thacker, a parent from California, has a son with Leber's Congenital Amaurosis and evidence of a metabolic disorder. Although her son did not test out as carnitine deficient, Mrs. Thacker reports that he has shown an increase in strength and alertness (problems often associated with a metabolic disorder) through carnitine therapy. Because of the positive results of this therapy for her son Mrs. Thacker wants to reach out with information and support to other parents who have children who may also be able to benefit from this therapy. Mrs. Thacker reports that because the therapy is new to the treatment of metabolic disorders, many doctors and hospitals are not yet using it. To contact Mrs. Stacy Thacker, write to: 964 Wake Forest Court, Merced, California 95348. You may also wish to contact the Valley Children's Hospital, Medical Genetics/Metabolism Department, 3151 North Millbrook, Fresno, California 93703.

The Blind Children's Fund (formerly the International Institute for Visually Impaired, 0-7, Inc.) has resumed publication of the VIP NEWSLETTER, a newsletter for parents of preschool blind children. For subscription information write to:

Sherry Raynor, Editor,
230 Central Street
Aubumdale, Massachusetts 02166.

Editor's Note: I have nothing against catalogs, but I am not inclined to spend much time looking at them either. However, two of our five family members are catalog nuts, so I have learned never to throw out a catalog. And that is how it is that I now have a growing collection of catalogs in the Future Reflections file. Although most of these do not sell products specifically for the blind, all of them have some products which are suitable for blind children and/or blind children with other disabilities --such as communication disorders, limited mobility or motor skills, etc. Here is the list.

Ann Morris Enterprises, Inc.: A Catalog of Innovative Products Dedicated to People With Vision Loss: "This catalog is available free in large print, audio cassette, and IBM and Apple format disc. Braille edition is $5.00. Address: Ann Morris Enterprises, Inc., 26 Horseshoe Lane, Levittown, New York 11756.

The Capable Child: "Our product line focuses on adaptive toys, capability switches, and training aids which will help children with disabilities to gain confidence, learn, and reach therapeutic goals through constructive play experience." Address: The Capable Child, Inc., 8 Herkimer Avenue, Hewlett, New York 11557.

Childcraft: "Toys that teach...fun ideas, special sales, and more!" Address: Childcraft, Toys That Teach, Childcraft Education Corp., 20 Kilmer Road, Edison, New Jersey 08818.

Communication Aids for Children and Adults: "For people with communication difficulties such as aphasia; multiple sclerosis and other neurological disorders; mental retardation and other brain dysfunctions; voice, hearing and visual difficulties; and postoperative problems." Catalogue also includes "adapted toys for children with special needs." Address: Crestwood Company, Communication Aids for Children and Adults, 6625 N. Sidney Place, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53209-3259.

Jesana Ltd.: Examples of products offered: Mini-Communicator Kit; Hand-Drive Mobility Aid Tricycle; Talking Alarm Clock; Posture Chair; switch-activated toys; audible ring-toss game and audible balls; large-print children's books and crossword puzzles; Learning Pillows; video cassettes, and children's audio cassettes. Address: Jesana Ltd., P.O. Box 17, Irvington, New York 10533.

World Wide Games: Quality Action Games for Recreation, Therapy, and Education. "Our games are created and selected with the needs of healthcare and recreation professionals in mind. Games develop finger and manual dexterity, eye/hand coordination, concentration, and problem-solving skills, stimulate sensory awareness and create group interaction and team play." Address: World Wide Games, P.O. Box 517, Colchester, Connecticut 06415- 0517.

Aids Unlimited, Inc. has asked that we make the following announcement:

Introducing WRITE-EZ Bold Line Writing Materials --more economical, top quality, prompt delivery.

WRITE-EZ STUDENT THEME BOOK: Catalog #04-02-51, 100 3- hole punched white sheets; 8-1/2 " x 11"; printed both sides; 50 lb. paper; bold black lines further apart; left hand margin line; green flexi-grain front cover and chipboard back cover; white binder; will lay out flat for easier writing. 1-11 books: $3.00 each; 1-4 dozen: $2.04 each; 5-9 dozen: $1.88 each; 10 dozen or more: $1.80 each.

WRITE-EZ NOTEBOOK REFILL: Catalog #04-02-52, 100 3- hole punched white sheets shrink wrapped; 8-1/2" x 11"; printed both sides; 50 lb. paper; bold black lines further apart; left hand margin line. 1-11 refills: $1.79 each; 1-4 dozen: $1.16 each; 5-9 dozen: $1.12 each; 10 dozen or more: $1.07 each.

WRITE-EZ WRITING PAD: Catalog #0402-53, a pad of 100 white sheets shrink wrapped; 50 lb. paper; 8-1/2" x 11" glued at top; chipboard back; printed both sides; bold black lines further apart; left hand margin line. 1-11 pads: $1.69 each; 1-4 dozen: $1.10 each; 5-9 dozen: $1.05 each; 10 dozen or more: $1.01 each.

WRITE-EZ DELUX WRITING BOOK: Catalog #04-02-54, 100 3- hole punched white sheets; 8-1/2 " x 11"; printed both sides; 50 lb. paper; bold black lines further apart; left hand margin line; green flexi-grain cover front and back; white binder; will lay out flat for easier writing. 1-11 books: $3.75 each; 1-4 dozen: $2.46 each; 5-9 dozen: $2.35 each; 10 dozen or more: $2.25 each. All items shipped "Free Matter for the Blind." Order from:

Aids Unlimited, Inc.
1101 North Calvert Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Voice/TTY (301) 659-0232

We received the following information from Triformation Braille Services, Inc.: The sale of these advertised Braille books to the general public has been made possible through a contract with the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, the Library of Congress, owners of the Braille printing plates. Permission to reprint sale copies has been obrained from the copyright holder. As a public service, the Library of Congress has allowed public sale of copies of Braille books in its collection so that people who wish to develop their own Braille library may do so. You may send your purchase order and check to: TBS, Inc., 3142 South East Jay Street, Stuart, Florida 34997, Attention: Natalie Kean. For inquiries you may call telephone number (407) 286-8366. Only a limited supply is available.

Children's Books

-Oh, Honestly Angela! by Ann M. Martin$15.24

-Henry and Ribay by Nancy K. Robinson$16.68

- Sebastian (Super Sleuth) and the Bone to Pick Mystery by Mary Blount Christian$7.68

- Sebastian (Super Sleuth) and the Hair of the Dog Mystery by Mary Blount Christian - $5.76

- Sebastian (Super Sleuth) and the Secret of the Skewered Skier by Mary Blount Christian - $7.44

- Sebastian (Super Sleuth) and the Purloined Sirloin by Mary Blount Christian-$7.80

-Sebastian (Super Sleuth) and the Clumsy Cowboy by Mary Blount Christian-$8.16

-Your Foot's on My Feet! And Other Tricky Nouns by Marvin Terban - $6.29

-Clara and the Bookwagon by Nancy Soniler Levinson -- $2.40

-M&M and The Super Child Afternoon by Pat Ross-$2.52

-Ruthie's Rude Friends by Jean and Claudio Marzollo -- $1.68

-Who Can Not Read About Crocodiles by Miv Schaaf--$6.48

-A Kiss For Little Bear by Else Holmelund Minarik$00.72

-Ben's Gift by Cynthia Barnett - $7.08

-I'm Not Going to Get Up Today by Dr. Seuss--$00.96

-Theodore's Rival by Edmond Ormondroyd -- $1.56

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