Future Reflections                                                   Special Issue: Low Vision and Blindness 2005

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Reading Materials in Large Print

The Library of Congress, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), has issued a new 30 page reference circular entitled, �Reading Materials in Large Print: A Resource Guide.� The contents of the guide include: selected sources of large-print materials; selected classic titles; selected Newbery Medal Winner titles; selected bibliography, 2000-2005; and selected internet resources. To request a copy of the reference guide contact the library for the blind serving your area, or call 1-888-NLS-READ (1-888-657-7323). You can also print a copy from the NLS Web site: go to <www.loc.gov/nls> and select reference publications, circulars.

What is Large Type?
Here is a portion of the introduction of the guide that explains what large print is:
�Type is measured in points from the bottom of the lowest letter (for example, the tail of the letter �y�) to the tallest capital: type one-inch high measures 72 point. Most adult books are set in 10- to 12-point type, newspapers are often 8-point, and some editions of the Bible are in 6-point type. The minimum size for large-print materials is 14-point type. Large-print materials are most commonly available in 16- to 18-point types�.Large-print materials are easiest to read if they are printed in heavy leading (spacing between the lines of print), wide margins, simple type, and non-glossy paper.�

Here is a sample of different size types in two different font styles:

This is Ariel 12-point type. This is Times Roman 12-point type.

This is Ariel 14-point type. This is Times Roman 14-point type.

This is Ariel 16-point type. This is Times Roman 16-point type.

This is Ariel 18-point type. This is Times Roman 18-point type.

This is Ariel 24-point type. This is Times Roman 24-point type.

This is Ariel 30-point type. This is Times Roman 30-point type.

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