Future Reflections Special Issue: Low Vision and Blindness 2005
by Edith Ethridge
Editor�s Note: Published in Future Reflections, volume 20, number 4, this article originally appeared in Parents� Writes, the newsletter of the Kentucky Parents of Blind Children, a Division of the NFB of Kentucky. Refreshingly practical and non-sentimental, Edith Ethridge is clearly one expert who understands that visual aids or solutions are not the answer to every problem encountered by a person with low vision. Her advice is sensible and well-grounded in an understanding of the importance of efficiency and effectiveness when making choices about low vision devices or techniques. In a field that is notorious for pushing the use of vision to the point of inefficiency and discomfort, Mrs. Ethridge offers a positive approach to making decisions about low vision devices. Here is what she has to say:
Our twelve-year-old son will not use his monocular at school when needed. He
attends half-day at the Kentucky School for the Blind and the other half-day
in the public school. He admits while attending public school that instead of
using the monocular, he will ask someone sitting next to him to tell him what
he needs to write down. He has told us that the other students think his monocular
is cool, but still he worries about ridicule from the other students. As a self-advocacy
skill, we know he needs to overcome this, but we�re running out of ideas. Would
love to hear any suggestions!
Carol: Taylorsville, Kentucky
Reluctance to use a monocular may be due to a variety of factors. Consider some
of these questions:
Be sure the monocular improves vision enough to make a significant difference. If just moving a few feet closer can provide the same amount of improvement, most children will just want to move toward the activity. The monocular restricts the field of view and some kids don�t want to miss out on other visual interests.
Be aware that the type of visual condition may affect the benefit of the monocular. Central vision loss may make using it more difficult.
Be sure the child has had appropriate instructions in how to spot, focus, scan, and track using the device.
Prove the difference. Have the child use unaided vision for a task and then try the same task using the monocular. Let him prove to himself just what it can do and the differences in detail that can be observed.
Model it. Use binoculars and a monocular with your child. Create an environment where classmates and playmates use the same or similar devices for fun activities. Have toy binoculars available near the window or door for preschoolers and younger children.
Provide evidence that other people use vision devices for recreation and in their careers. Keep a scrapbook of pictures of vision devices being used and discuss them. Highlight pictures of surgeons, jewelers, and people at sporting events such as the racetrack, football games, and baseball games using vision devices. Look in advertisements for pictures of the monoculars used by golfers, and binoculars used by bird watchers.
Take the monocular and binoculars on family outings and trips. Use it with your child, have other family members use it, too. Keep a journal of time that it is used. Use stickers on a chart or other rewards to show just how many occasions you have used it.
Attend High Vision Games where other children are using monoculars. Find an older child who is a successful monocular user to act as a mentor and describe how useful it is in mobility.
Have realistic expectations. Remember that the monocular is just one device used to increase distant vision acuity for short tasks. It is difficult to watch a movie using a monocular, try it! Although the monocular may not be an equalizer for all demands on distant vision, it is portable, relatively inexpensive, and doesn�t require batteries.