Future Reflections Special Issue: Low Vision and Blindness 2005
The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) Jernigan Institute, with support from Learning House, Inc., is pleased to offer an innovative training program--the NFB Jernigan Institute Online Education Program.
The NFB Jernigan Institute Online Education Program is uniquely
designed, by the blind themselves, to teach critical information about blindness
and blind people. Educators, blindness professionals, family members of blind
children or adults, and virtually anyone else interested in blindness related
topics can benefit from courses in this innovative blindness education program.
Imagine learning about the most critical topics affecting the blind and those
working with the blind, today--all from the convenience of your school, home,
or office.
The first series of courses in the program includes:
� Introduction to the Education of Blind Children in the Regular
� Introduction to Braille
� Introduction to Access Technology for the Blind
� Introduction to Nonvisual Web Accessibility
Take one of the NFB Jernigan Institute�s online courses and get the training you need--delivered right to your desktop. Our self-paced courses are available anytime from any computer with Internet access. Visit the National Federation of the Blind Web site often for updates and new offerings.
For more information visit: http://nfb.org/