Future Reflections          Winter/Spring 2008

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Sponsorship Opportunities for the NOPBC
25th Anniversary Celebration
1983 - 2008
Help Us Celebrate 25 Years of IMAGINING a better future for blind children

On June 29, 2008, the National Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC), a division of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB), will celebrate twenty-five years of bringing hope, inspiration, and practical knowledge about blindness into the lives of thousands of blind children and their parents. This celebration will be a part of our annual week-long family training conference. This conference brings together (from all over the country) blind children of all ages, their parents, other family members, and blind role models and mentors from the NFB to instruct and inspire them. Our anniversary conference theme�Remember the Past, IMAGINE the Future�reflects our commitment to always keep looking forward.

After our 2007 conference, Kim from Texas wrote, �As a parent, this was a life-changing experience�I feel an even stronger sense of hope, coupled with determination for my daughter [Kayleigh�s] future.� Another parent, Bonnie, from Georgia, said, �The hardest part of going to the NOPBC presentations was not being able to attend each and every class.� Lety, also from Texas, explained that when she and her husband first adopted their blind daughter, Kayla, they were �lost.� �Finally,� she said, �after seeking organizations to help me�as a parent�to better equip and teach my daughter, my search was finally over�being part of the NOPBC has truly been a life-changing experience.� But kids say it best. Ten-year-old Laura of Pennsylvania summed it up when she said about the experiences the NOPBC provided for her, �I learned it�s okay to be blind.�

Other NOPBC programs include sponsorship of the national Braille Readers Are Leaders contest; a preliteracy Braille program for toddlers and preschoolers; free canes to blind children under the My First Cane program; scholarships for blind children to attend summer enrichment programs; a pen-pal (Slate Pals) program that promotes friendships among blind and sighted students; state and regional workshops for parents; and distribution of Future Reflections, a quarterly journal for parents and teachers of blind children. For more information about the NOPBC, see our Web site at www.nfb.org/nopbc. Back issues of Future Reflections are available at www.nfb.org/nfb/Future_Reflections.asp.

We have accomplished much in our twenty-five years, and we are proud of it. But there is so much more to do. That�s why we are asking you for your support. Your gift of $25, $250, $500, $1,500, $5,000�or any amount�will help provide for a better childhood and a better future for blind kids like Kayleigh and Laura. According to the level of the contribution and/or the date we receive the contribution (see commitment form, next page), sponsors will receive recognition in our commemorative program, our Web home page, and/or in Future Reflections. The NOPBC is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization. All contributions should be made payable to NOPBC and mailed to Barbara Cheadle, President, NOPBC, 1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21230.

Thank you for your support! Together we can do more than IMAGINE a better future for blind children�we can make it happen.

(Mrs.) Barbara Cheadle, President
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children


Yes! We would like to sponsor the NOPBC 25th Anniversary Celebration!

[ ] Collegiate Level Sponsor $5,000
Corporate: Logo on lead banner in the NFB Imagination Fund 5K March for Independence July 2, 2008; ad space in one issue of Future Reflections Corporate & Family: Full-page ad or message in the commemorative program
[ ] Upper Level Sponsor $1,500
Half-page ad or message in the commemorative program and corporate ad space in one issue of Future Reflections
[ ] Elementary Level Sponsor $500
One-quarter page ad or message in the commemorative program and corporate ad space in one issue of Future Reflections
[ ] Primary Level Sponsor $250
A listing and ad or message of 50 words in the commemorative program
All corporate sponsors receive their name and a link on the NOPBC Web site throughout 2008.

Corporate or Organization Sponsors:

Sponsorship check (payable to NOPBC) enclosed: $________ OR check will follow (date): __________
Contact Name: ______________________________E-mail: ____________________________________
Company/Organization: _____________________________________Phone:______________________
Address, City, State, Zip:________________________________________________________________

Individual Sponsors:

[ ] Friends and Family of NOPBC Are you now, or were you ever, a member of NOPBC? ________
Sponsorship check (payable to NOPBC) enclosed:
[ ] $25 [ ] $50 [ ] $75 [ ] $100 [ ] $150 [ ] $200 [ ]See above [ ]Other ______

Name: _________________________ E-mail: ___________________ Phone:__________________

Address, City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________________

[ ] YES, I contributed $25 or more and would like to send best wishes to NOPBC and/or honor my child/student/parent with a line of 20 words or less in the commemorative program and Future Reflections.



*Note: For families, we suggest the following format: John, Barb, J.E., Chaz, & Anna Cheadle

Please mail the sponsorship form with check made payable to NOPBC or fax a commitment to:

Barbara Cheadle, President
National Organization of Parents of
Blind Children
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21230

Tel. (410) 659-9314, ext. 2360
Fax (410) 659-5129
[email protected]

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