KNFB Reader

KNFB Reader is an award-winning mobile app for blind, low-vision, dyslexic, and other print-disabled users that converts text to speech or text to Braille.

A girl stands in a grocery store cookie aisle holding a white cane in one hand and a smart phone in the other hand.Developed by the National Federation of the Blind and Sensotec NV, KNFB Reader is currently available for iOS, Android, and Windows 10 devices.

If you have any visual impairments, total blindness, or perhaps dyslexia, KNFB Reader will allow you to read your own mail, brochures, receipts, and restaurant menus without any assistance. It will give you a true sense of independence and freedom.

KNFB Reader can read: 

  • Receipts
  • Package labels and mail
  • Product and nutritional information
  • Print on your computer or tablet screen
  • Longer documents such as books and user manuals
  • Private documents such as tax materials, mortgage documents, bills, and medical reports
  • Ebooks and documents in the ePub format
  • Documents in more than thirty languages

How It Works

First, purchase and download KNFB Reader from your app store:

Then, you can use KNFB Reader to take a photo of any text and it will read the text out loud or turn it into Braille that can be read on a refreshable Braille display. You can also save, export, and share your documents.

Innovative Features

We are constantly improving KNFB Reader's capabilities. Among its most innovative features are:

  • Text Detection (shows you where there is print to capture)
  • Tilt and Viewfinder Assist (ensures you capture the entire page)
  • Text Highlighting (pinpoints text for dyslexic and other print-disabled users)

More Information

You can also listen to this ninety-second audio ad. For technical support, please contact us at [email protected] or 410-659-9314, option 7.

How to Give KNFB Reader as a Gift

To give KNFB Reader as a gift, you can purchase and give a gift card to the recipient's app store (i.e., the Apple App Store, Google Play, or the Microsoft Store) which they can redeem whenever they want. Or, in the Apple App Store, there is a "Gift App" function available on every paid app. Select "Gift App" from the KNFB Reader description screen and then you can enter the recipient’s email address (you will need to use the email they have linked to their Apple ID), a gift message, and a specific date to send your gift.