Message from the Executive Director

Anil Lewis, Executive Director, Blindness Initiatives, National Federation of the Blind

We hope that through this training curriculum, you will better understand how the National Federation of the Blind's knowledge and experience enable us to provide the most comprehensive recommendations to election officials regarding the standards they should follow when making procurement decisions on nonvisual election technology. This presentation is made possible through the financial support of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities in compliance with the Help America Vote Act of 2002. The contents of the nonvisual election technology training curriculum were developed by the National Federation of the Blind staff. For more information on the National Federation of the Blind, please call 410-659-9314. Thank you for your time, and let's imagine a future full of opportunity!

For more information about nonvisual election technology and poll worker training, please contact the HAVA project manager, Lou Ann Blake, at 410-659-9314, extension 2221.