Much of the work, mentoring, and building of relationships within the National Federation of the Blind is done through our divisions, committees, and groups. These entities provide support, information, and resources for a wide range of professions, recreational activities, special interests, legislative issues, fundraising projects, and other areas related to blindness.
Divisions are led by an elected president and a board of directors, and membership is based on interest, participation, and the paying of annual dues. Learn more about the NFB's current divisions.
- Assistive Technology Trainers Division
- DeafBlind Division
- Diabetes Action Network for the Blind (DAN)
- Human Services Division
- National Association of Black Leaders
- National Association of Blind Government Employees
- National Association of Blind Lawyers (NABL)
- National Association of Blind Merchants (NABM)
- National Association of Blind Rehabilitation Professionals
- National Association of Blind Students (NABS)
- National Association of Blind Veterans
- National Association of Guide Dog Users (NAGDU)
- National Federation of the Blind in Computer Science
- National Organization of Blind Educators (NOBE)
- National Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC)
- National Organization of Professionals in Blindness Education (PIBE)
- Performing Arts Division
- Science and Engineering Division
- Seniors Division
- Sports and Recreation Division
- Writers' Division
For more information, please visit our divisions page.
Members and chairpersons of committees are appointed annually by the current national President. Learn more about the NFB's current committees.
- Ambassadors Committee
- Autonomous Vehicles and Innovations in Transportation
- Blind Educator of the Year Award Committee
- Code of Conduct Committee
- Committee for the Advancement and Promotion of Braille
- Committee on Automobile and Pedestrian Safety (CAPS)
- Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Communications Committee
- Distinguished Educator of Blind Students Award Committee
- Employment Committee
- Jacobus tenBroek Award Committee
- Jacobus tenBroek Memorial Fund Committee
- Kenneth Jernigan Fund Committee
- Membership Committee
- PAC Plan Committee
- Research and Development Committee
- Resolutions Committee
- Scholarship Committee
- Shares Unlimited in NFB (SUN) Committee
- Spanish Translation Committee
- Technology Evaluation Committee
- White Cane and Affiliate Finance Committee
For more information, please visit our committees page.
Groups are run by coordinators or chairpersons with the approval of the current national President. Learn more about the NFB's current groups.
- Amateur Radio Group
- Blind Christians Group
- Blind Fraternal Greek and Masonic Group
- Blind Muslims Group
- Blind Parents Group
- Blind Professional Journalists Group
- Blind Survivors Group
- Krafters Group
- NFB in Judaism Group
- NFB in the Kitchen
- NFB LGBT+ Group
- NFB Website Coordinators Group
For more information, please visit our groups page.