Legislative agendas, fact sheets, and highlights from previous Washington Seminars are housed on this page. If you wish to review materials prior to 2010, please visit the Braille Monitor archive. Washington Seminar materials are typically published every year in the March or April issue.
2024 Washington Seminar
- The 2024 Washington Seminar: Back in the Groove Again
- The Significance of Washington Seminar 2024
- Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act
- Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act
- Blind Americans Return to Work Act
- Additional Legislative Concerns of Blind Americans for the 118th Congress
2023 Washington Seminar
- Legislative Agenda of Blind Americans, Priorities for the 118th Congress, First Session
- Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act
- Blind Americans Return to Work Act
- Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act
2022 Washington Seminar
- The 2022 Washington Seminar in Review
- Transformation To Competitive Integrated Employment Act
- Twenty-First Century Websites & Applications Accessibility Act
- Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act
- Access Technology Affordability Act
2021 Washington Seminar
- The Washington Seminar Roundup
- Access Technology Affordability Act
- Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act
- Twenty-First Century Mobile Apps and Website Accessibility Act
- Americans with Disabilities Voting Rights Act
2020 Washington Seminar
- The 2020 Washington Seminar
- Legislative Agenda of Blind Americans: 116th Congress, Second Session
- Access Technology Affordability Act
- Greater Access and Independence through Nonvisual Access Technology (GAIN) Act
- Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education (AIM HIGH) Act
2019 Washington Seminar
- The 2019 Washington Seminar
- Legislative Agenda of Blind Americans: Priorities for the 116th Congress, First Session
- Access Technology Affordability Act
- Greater Accessibility and Independence through Nonvisual Access Technology
- Disability Employment Act
- We Will Not be Shut Down
2018 Washington Seminar
- The Washington Seminar in Review
- Legislative Agenda of Blind Americans: Priorities for the 115th Congress, Second Session
- Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education Act (S. 2138/H.R. 1772)
- Access Technology Affordability Act (S. 732/H.R. 1734)
- Oppose the ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017 (H.R. 620)
- The Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print-Disabled (Marrakesh Treaty)
2017 Washington Seminar
- The 2017 Washington Seminar
- Washington Seminar Legislative Agenda of Blind Americans Priorities for the 115th Congress, First Session
- Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education (AIM HE) Act
- Access Technology Affordability Act
- Appropriation to the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) for the Purchase of Refreshable Braille Devices
- The Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled (“Marrakesh Treaty”)
2016 Washington Seminar
- The 2016 Washington Seminar in Review
- Legislative Agenda of Blind Americans for the 114th Congress, Second Session
- Transitioning to Integrated and Meaningful Employment Act (H.R. 188) (S. 2001)
- Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education (AIM HE) Act
- Equal Access to Air Travel for Service-Disabled Veterans (H.R. 2264)
- The Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled (“Marrakesh Treaty”)
2015 Washington Seminar
- To Learn, to Read, and to Work: TEACH, Treaty, Time, and the 2015 Washington Seminar
- Legislative Agenda of Blind Americans: Priorities for the 114th Congress, First Session
- Transitioning to Integrated and Meaningful Employment Act (HR188)
- Technology, Education, and Accessibility in College and Higher Education Act
- The Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled (“Marrakesh Treaty”)
2014 Washington Seminar
- The 2014 Washington Seminar in Review
- Legislative Agenda of Blind Americans: Priorities for the 113th Congress, Second Session
- The Fair Wages for Workers with Disabilities Act of 2013 (HR 831)
- Technology, Education, and Accessibility in College and Higher Education Act (TEACH Act) HR 3505
- Air Carrier Technology Accessibility Act
2013 Washington Seminar
- The 2013 Washington Seminar in Review
- Legislative Agenda of Blind Americans: Priorities for the 113th Congress, First Session
- The Fair Wages for Workers with Disabilities Act 2012
- The Technology, Education, and Accessibility in College and Higher Education Act
- Equal Access to Air Travel for Service-Disabled Veterans (HR 164)
2012 Washington Seminar
- The 2012 Washington Seminar in Review
- Legislative Agenda of Blind Americans: Priorities for the 112th Congress, Second Session
- The Fair Wages for Workers with Disabilities Act of 2011
- The Home Appliance Accessibility Act
- The Americans with Disabilities Business Opportunity Act
- Testimony for the Hearing on “The Promise of Accessible Technology: Challenges and Opportunities”
2011 Washington Seminar
- The 2011 Washington Seminar
- Legislative Agenda of Blind Americans: Priorities for the 112th Congress, First Session
- A Technology Bill of Rights for the Blind
- Ensuring Equal Education for Blind Children: Setting Standards That Promote Excellence
- Americans with Disabilities Business Opportunity Act
2010 Washington Seminar
- The 2010 Washington Seminar
- Legislative Agenda of Blind Americans: Priorities for the 111th Congress, Second Session
- Enhancing Pedestrian Safety: Ensuring the Blind Can Continue To Travel Safely and Independently
- A Technology Bill of Rights for the Blind
- Removing the Earnings Penalty: A Commonsense Work Incentive For Blind Social Security Beneficiaries