You can support the National Federation of the Blind by airing or encouraging your local media stations to air public service announcements. The National Federation of the Blind has PSA’s for both radio and television.
Television PSAs
The National Federation of the Blind has three television PSAs. Each PSA runs 30 seconds each. The PSA’s address the topics of changing vision, connecting to the community, and how families with people who are blind are the same as all other families.
Each PSA listed below is available as a video file which you can play. Television stations wishing to air the PSAs and individuals wishing to save the PSAs, can download the MP4 files from our media partner’s site.
Changing Vision
People experiencing changing vision may be confused and even scared about what the changes mean to their lives. The National Federation of the Blind’s Vision Loss PSA seeks to reach out to those experiencing vision loss to show them that they can still lead successful and productive lives.
Changing Vision Transcript
Music: Under.
Narrator: Is your eyesight changing? Don’t lose hope.
Man: I can’t read this anymore!
Narrator: Connect with other blind people.
Blind woman: Hi, I’m Liz. Follow me.
Narrator: People just like you are working every day using blindness skills.
Audio description (AD): Diverse blind professionals at work.
Narrator: Your eyesight may have changed, but your goals …they don’t have to. We can help. Learn more at
AD: In a meeting.
Man: Let’s get started.
Narrator: The National federation of the Blind: live the life you want.
Connect Community
When isolated or alone, blind people may feel that they are the only one experiencing the challenges they are facing. Connecting with other blind and low-vision individuals can make a huge difference. Because we can live the lives we want. The National Federation of the Blind’s Connect Community PSA seeks to share our network of blind friends and family.
Connect Community Transcript
Music: Under.
Narrator: Blind? Low Vision? Eyesight changing? You are not alone.
Audio Description (AD): A guide dog user leaves work and gets on a bus
Narrator: Connecting with other blind people can expand possibilities.
AD: Blind people talking on a bus, then separately walking outside.
Narrator: We are making our own choices every day, but we are also stronger together. Learn more at
AD: Woman from the bus:
Woman: Hi kids, I’m home!
Narrator: The National Federation of the Blind: Live the life you want.
All Families
Parents. Children. Spouses. Blindness is not the characteristic that defines us. We have the capacity to grow and maintain a family. The National Federation of the Blind’s All Families PSA seeks to showcase that blindness doesn’t stop us from being an active part of our families.
All Families Transcript
Music: Under
Narrator: All families are different …
Audio description (AD): Blind women play cards.
Narrator: … and some have parents or children with little to no eyesight.
Blind mother: The trick of cracking an egg …
AD: A blind mom cooks with her daughter.
Narrator: What counts is being together.
AD: A blind dad with his wife and baby play in a swimming pool, then walk together.
Blind father: Yaaay! (Sounds of splashing, clapping)
Narrator: Learn more at National Federation of the Blind: live the life you want.
Radio PSAs
About US
General NFB PSA on Civil Rights (MP3; 30 Seconds; English)
Connect to Your Chapter
NFB PSA on Connecting to Your Chapter (MP3; 30 Seconds; English)
Changing Vision
Changing Vision PSA (MP3; 30 seconds; English)
General NFB (Spanish)
General NFB PSA (MP3; 30 seconds; Spanish)
President Riccobono
President Riccobono PSA (MP3; 60 seconds; English)
Blind Parent
Blind Parent PSA (MP3; 30 seconds; English)
Parents of Blind Child
Parents of Blind Child PSA (MP3; 30 seconds; English)
Parents of Blind Child (Spanish)
Parents of Blind Child PSA (MP3; 30 seconds; Spanish)
More Information
If you have any questions about our PSAs, please contact [email protected].