NFB BELL® Academy

A summer program of Braille and nonvisual skills instruction for blind children—in a city near you!

En español
Young blind girl smiles and shakes homemade musical instrument.

My child had an enjoyable time and her confidence in Braille has grown. My favorite thing that has come out of this camp: You removed the fear and anxiety she had about going blind! She now knows she will be okay and will have the skills to succeed. I think that alone is worth everything!

The NFB Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning® Academy is a nationwide summer program that prepares blind and low-vision children to grow into confident and independent blind people who live the lives they want.


NFB BELL Academy is only offering in-person programs. Our in-home virtual edition program is no longer available as of 2023. We are in the midst of planning other ways to connect families virtually. We hope to bring new and exciting virtual options to enhance our programing in the future.

Who Should Attend

Blind and low-vision children, ages four through twelve*, who:

  • do not receive enough Braille and nonvisual skills instruction in school.
  • could benefit from more Braille exposure over the summer.
  • would enjoy connecting with other blind and low-vision children.
  • would like the opportunity to learn from blind role models.

*Please note that some in-person programs may accept blind children who are older than twelve. Review details in each program for more details on eligibility. 

To be honest, for a mother with a low-vision child, I was very uneducated by the blind word, and I didn't think he could attend an event like it…A friend that was taking her son, told me that I should try and we did. The first day was like a whole new world of possibilities and knowledge opened up for me.

Young blind boy smiles and kneels down next to his NFB BELL seeds that are sitting in the sun

NFB BELL Academy: In-Person Programs

NFB BELL Academy in-person programs provide activities in a day program or residential setting, depending on location. In addition to Braille crafts, games, and other engaging projects, children learn vital independent living skills, interact with blind adult mentors, and enjoy field trips to sites related to the NFB BELL Academy curriculum. Day programs typically run Monday through Friday for six hours each day for two weeks. Residential programs usually run for one week.

Please note that the facilitators of the NFB BELL Academy in your area may opt to collect additional information about your student before accepting your student into their NFB BELL program. Registration processes differ for each program, please contact your state coordinator with any questions you have about the process. Program information about each participating state is available below.

If you have questions about a program in your area or are interested in bringing NFB BELL to your state, please contact us at 410-659-9314, extension 2418, or at [email protected].


NFB BELL® Academy Registration is now open for NFB affiliates with available program dates.

For detailed information about each program, please visit their respective web pages and check back regularly for updates as additional dates are finalized.


Thank you to the American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults and the Beulah Reimer Legacy for their generous support of the NFB BELL Academy.

American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults Logo   Beulah Reimer Legacy Logo

More Information

For more information about the NFB Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning, please contact us at 410-659-9314, extension 2418, or at [email protected].