Braille Monitor

The Braille Monitor is the flagship publication of the National Federation of the Blind. It covers the events and activities of the NFB, addresses the issues we face as blind people, and highlights our members.

Cover of the Braille Monitor magazine.Distributed eleven times a year since 1957, the Braille Monitor:

  • Offers a positive philosophy about blindness to both blind readers and the public at large
  • Serves as a vehicle for advocacy and protection of civil rights
  • Addresses social concerns affecting the blind
  • Discusses issues related to employment, education, legislation, and rehabilitation
  • Provides news about products and technology used by the blind

To learn more, we invite you to read Dr. Kenneth Jernigan's 1993 article entitled, "Concerning History and the Braille Monitor."

How to Subscribe

The Braille Monitor is available online, via email, in fourteen-point inkprint, in Braille, and on USB flash drive. It is also available through our NFB-NEWSLINE® program and via podcast by searching for "National Federation of the Blind—Braille Monitor" in your podcast client.

You can subscribe to the email version here. To subscribe to the inkprint, Braille, or USB flash drive version, or to change your format or mailing address, please contact us at 410-659-9314, extension 2344, or [email protected]. Please indicate which format you would like to receive. If based in the United States, NFB members are invited, and nonmembers are requested, to cover the subscription cost (i.e., $40).

  • All subscriptions mailed to foreign countries are invoiced at $75 USD per year
  • Canadian subscriptions are invoiced at $50 USD per year

Checks should be made payable to the National Federation of the Blind and sent to the NFB, attention Braille Monitor, 200 East Wells Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21230.

En español (Issues in Spanish)

Ahora, puede obtener esta publicación en español.

2023 & 2024 de Braille Monitor en español.

Recent Issues




Submitting Material

Article submissions and letters to the editor may be sent to the National Federation of the Blind, attention Chris Danielsen, 200 East Wells Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21230 or to [email protected].

Back Issues

To read back issues online, please visit the Braille Monitor archive. Issues from January 1978 to the present are available to order in Braille and inkprint. Issues from August 1985 to the present are also available on four-track cassette. Please visit the Independence Market to order back issues.