A training conference for education and rehabilitation professionals who work with blind and low vision transition-aged students or adults.
Dates and Location
Stay tuned for more details.
Who Should Attend
Professionals working in the field of blindness education and rehabilitation from across the country are invited to participate. There will be keynote presentations and plenary conference sessions where participants will hear and learn from experts in the field of education and rehabilitation for the blind.
An innovative programming feature of this conference is the facilitation of several different discipline-specific breakout meetings for:
- Teachers of blind and low vision students
- Administrators and directors of training centers and blindness service programs
- Vocational rehabilitation counselors, evaluators, and supervisors
- Cane travel and O&M instructors
- Braille and communications instructors
- Access technology instructors
- Home management, ADL, ILS, and related fields
We invite professionals in related fields to submit a proposal to present at this conference during one of the concurrent breakout sessions. Read below for more information about our call for presentations.
More Information
Questions about the conference can be directed to [email protected].