
The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines the future for blind students. Through our extensive education programs, we present blind students with new ideas, expose teachers and families to our positive philosophy on blindness, and encourage blind youth to reach their full potential.

Early Childhood Programs

Our early childhood programs—Braille Reading Pals Club, Early Explorers, and Santa Letters—provide young blind children and their families with support and guidance to master the fundamental skills of literacy and independent travel. Learn more about our early childhood initiatives.

Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Advocacy Academy

Parents often reach out to the National Federation of the Blind in need of advocacy and support with their child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Parents can easily feel overwhelmed by the IEP process that is required to establish special education services for their child. There is currently a limited number of people that have the necessary knowledge to assist these families. 

The Lavelle Fund for the Blind, and the Professional Development Research and Institute on Blindness (PDRIB) is offering an intensive IEP training opportunity. We invite interested parents and blind adults from every state to apply through the Individualized Education Plan Advocacy Academy form. The application closes on February 28, 2025.

NFB BELL® Academy

The NFB BELL Academy provides children with Braille and nonvisual skills instruction through fun, hands-on learning activities. Activities are provided in a day program or residential setting, depending on location. The program is designed for blind and low-vision children, ages four through twelve. Learn more about the NFB BELL Academy.


Through NFB STEM2U, we are working to improve opportunities for blind students in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

National Center for Blind Youth in Science

The National Center for Blind Youth in Science equips teachers, parents, and blind youth themselves with the tools and knowledge they need to provide greater opportunities in science to blind youth across the nation.

Nemeth Code Curriculum: A Trusted Resource for Teaching Nemeth Code

Developed by the National Federation of the Blind in partnership with the Pearson Accessibility Team for Assessments, this interactive Nemeth Code curriculum is designed to teach blind and low-vision students in pre-k through second grade Nemeth Code, which is the Braille code for mathematics and scientific notation.

Teachers of Tomorrow

Teachers of Tomorrow is an immersive, professional development program that connects teachers of blind and low-vision students to the lived experiences of blind people, equipping participants with knowledge about the skills and attitudes that can help blind students thrive in school and beyond.

More Information

For more information about our education programs, please contact us at [email protected] or 410-659-9314, extension 2418.