National Federation of the Blind Applauds U.S. Department of Justice for Web and Mobile Content Accessibility Rule
Baltimore, Maryland (April 10, 2024): The National Federation of the Blind, the transformative advocacy organization of blind Americans, applauds the United States Department of Justice for announcing the finalization of its web and mobile content accessibility rule for state and local government entities under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This landmark rule will ensure that the blind and other Americans with disabilities have equal access to information, programs, and services provided by state and local government entities through websites and mobile apps.
The rule requires state and local government websites and mobile apps to be made accessible to individuals with disabilities, including those who are blind or have low vision, within two or three years of its effective date, depending on the population size of the covered entity. Its release follows a notice of proposed rulemaking published last summer, regarding which the National Federation of the Blind announced serious concerns.
“Blind Americans commend, congratulate, and thank the Department of Justice for finalizing this crucial rule," said Mark Riccobono, President of the National Federation of the Blind. "The dedicated staff across the Department of Justice, led by the Civil Rights Division, clearly took some of our objections to the draft rule into account. The final rule addresses the worst of the problems with the original proposed rule, and it provides the clear standards for which we have long advocated and which state and local governments have long desired. While there are still exceptions with which we disagree, we expect that covered entities will find that incorporating accessibility as a regular practice is a much wiser course than relying on those exceptions. Robust and consistent accessibility breaks down artificial barriers and empowers blind Americans to participate fully in civic life rather than being relegated to the status of second-class citizens. We urge state and local government entities to comply with the rule as swiftly as they can. Our state affiliates and local chapters, supported by our national experts, stand ready to collaborate with these entities in making their content and services equally accessible to everyone.”