Member-at-Large Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member at large of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). Through our fifty-two affiliates and divisions, we are able to mobilize in communities across the country to raise expectations for blind people. We encourage you to take a look at our list of affiliates and to reach out to one near you to learn more about the work of the organized blind movement in your area.

We recognize that there are circumstances that prevent active participation within affiliates. In these cases, individuals may want to apply to become members at large of the NFB. In order to become a member at large, you will need to submit the application below. Once received, our national board will vote on your application and advise you of the next steps within fifteen business days. 

The membership application asks you to affirm:

  • You have read and understand the National Federation of the Blind’s Code of Conduct. 
  • You understand that, should your application be approved, your membership is contingent upon your payment of annual dues.
  • You understand that if your membership, once approved, is inactive for more than two years, you must reapply. At large members are welcome to  join a state affiliate at any time. 
  • You understand that applications received after June 1 of any year will be held for review until after that year’s national convention.
  •  Active members at large will be sent a membership renewal prior to December 31 of the membership year.
  • You understand that members at-large only have membership rights at the national level of the organization. Thus, if you intend to be active in a chapter and/or an affiliate, you should consider joining at that level instead.

Members in local chapters and/or state affiliates are considered members of the national organization. 

- Optional
- Optional