Disability Justice and the Supreme Court: The Constitution and the Right to Live in the World
2017 Transcript Day 1
2017 Transcript Day 2
- Mark A. Riccobono, President
- Marc Maurer, Director of Legal Policy
Plenary Session 1: The Unequal Application of 14thAmendment Equal Protection
- Presenter: Samuel Bagenstos, Frank G. Millard Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School
- Presenter: Silvia Yee, Senior Staff Attorney, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
- Tribute to Larry Paradis
- Presenter: Eve Hill, Partner, Brown, Goldstein & Levy, LLP
- Presenter: Ruth Colker, Distinguished University Professor and Heck Faust Memorial Chair in Constitutional Law, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University
- Presenter: Daniel F. Goldstein, Partner, Brown, Goldstein & Levy, LLP
- Presenter: Michael Waterstone, Dean, Loyola Law School
Plenary Session 3: Disability, Sexuality, and Reproductive Rights
- Presenter: Leslie P. Francis, Distinguished Alfred C. Emery Professor of Law, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Director of the University of Utah Center for Law and Biomedical Sciences, University of Utah College of Law
- Presenter: Jasmine E. Harris, Acting Professor of Law, University of California, Davis, School of Law
- Presenter: Kimberly Mutcherson, Vice Dean and Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
Linda A. Klein, President, American Bar Association
Plenary Session 4: Issues Confronting Individuals with Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System
- Presenter: Mark E. Olive, Principal, Law Offices of Mark E. Olive, P.A.
- Presenter: Robert M. Sanger, Senior Partner, Sanger Swysen & Dunkle
- Presenter: Rebecca Vallas, Managing Director, Poverty to Prosperity Program, Center for American Progress